Chapter 4

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It was a quiet day, or that was what Guardian wanted it to be. Instead, he was rudely woken up early in the morning by some guys. One had odd bumps all over his face, the second guy seemed to have a snake related quark, or he had his tongue changed to be forked. The last guy seemed normal until he used his quark, where vines shot out of his hands to wrap around his leg and pull him up off the ground. Granted, their plan to immobalize him would have worked if they knew about his pyro quark, but instead the vine guy ended up with his vines crumbling to ash and the other two, caught off guard, were sent flying when Guardian stretched his wings out to take off.

Minutes later, Guardian was landing on the roof of a building several blocks away. He had managed to grab his few belongings before flying out of the building, and he was glad he didn't have a whole lot to begin with. He didn't know what time it was other than it was still nighttime, but he figured he had a couple of hours left before the sun rose. So, he found a good spot to lay back down and got some more sleep.

Instead of finding a place that would hire him for a day, Guardian went to find the buildings Dabi had pointed out that were okay to stay at. He was nervous, though he did have to say that the two buildings across the street were in decent shape despite being abandoned. Looking around, he saw only a few people walking about their day. Taking his chance while there were so few people, Guardian crossed the street and went to the side of the taller building where Dabi said a door would be without boards on it.

Going in, he noticed that no one was in the first few rooms, but he could hear voices and laughter down the hall. Following the noise, he found himself in a large open room with several people, all of different ages sitting on old, ripped up chairs or couches. Among those who were there, Dabi stood out with his staples holding his scarred skin together and ice blue eyes.

Guardian hid himself, mostly, by peeking around the wall, but it wasn't good enough when your wings were bigger than your body.

"Well, look who's here," Dabi smirked.

Not sure what to do, Guardian waved as he still hid himself. "Hey," he quietly said.

"Come on, these guys aren't going to hurt you. They're also runaways," Dabi added.

The others had turned to look at who Dabi was speaking to, and a couple even waved back to him.

Gingerly, Guardian walked out from the wall and headed over. Dabi patted the cushion next to him, and he sat down. Actually, more like sunk down as the cushion might have looked nice and fluffy, but it was hiding the fact that the boards underneath were broken. Somehow, it wasn't as uncomfortable as he thought it would be. He did, however, have to wrap his wings around him so as to not sit on them.

"So, ya visiting or planning on staying?" Dabi asked,

"Um, staying if that's still okay?" Guardian said quietly. He felt weird if he talked too loud.

"Ooh, a new roomie," a girl several feet away chirped.

"Yeah, it's fine, I'll show you a room you can use later." Dabi patted his head, and the group continued to talk again. They even got Guardian to talk about himself a little. A couple of hours later, Guardian was drifting off to sleep as the others talked about some game they had been able to catch on a TV.

He had gotten some sleep on the roof, but it wasn't much since it reminded him of the cold hard table he had woken up on all that time ago. Dabi finally noticed and took him to an available room. It was small, but two mattresses were on either side up against the walls.

Guardian set his stuff down next to the one that was empty, then curled up on the mattress with his wings wrapped around himself again to provide some comfort. Within minutes, he was asleep.

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