Chapter 4

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"Mario thinks he's gone coo-coo crazy, Megs." A voice claimed.
"Well, no duh. You're wearing purple. That's not your colour and you know it." Another voice responded to the claim being opposed.
"Is it wrong for Mario to wear a colour he thinks looks nice on him? It brings out my eyes. Don't discriminate against my taste in fashion, Megan."
"Red... Go get changed. I'll be outside target practising if you need any assistance, SMG4. E-Gadd and Luigi installed this assistance button if you need something but can't ask for it."
The voices and footsteps got quieter. Too quiet. Not quiet enough.

Get out your phone. Go onto your contacts.
A sigh escaped SMG4's lips, his tired dull blue eyes knowing that this wasn't healthy. He swiped up to escape the contacts app, instead going onto the YouTube app and searching for a 24-hour heartbeat. He put it gently under his pillow, listening to the audio play as his head gently rested on said pillow. He listened to each heartbeat. His ears took in every bump as his body took in each breath. He knows this is wrong. He shouldn't be grieving this hard. Hell, Mario didn't even grieve that much. But, he just couldn't handle it all so suddenly.


Maybe he should go visit Eggdog. If he found out how to get to the Internet Graveyard.

"So... just... shoot? That's all I have to do, right?" SMG3 asked, looking at Desti with a confused glare, soon a smirk rested on his face. "Pshh... Easy-peasy."
"I wouldn't praise yourself too hard already. Haven't you heard? I was Little Meggie Man's rival, which is not saying anything now considering where she is now." Desti sighed, soon her gaze travelled from the dreamy grass ground back to SMG3. "Look, the point is, I'm as skilled or more skilled than her. So anything you've seen from her, you've seen from me."
"Whatever you say, Nestea." SMG3 shrugged, turning his back as a Splatfest Arena faded into view. "I just know that I'm better at this than those two fighting Italians. I actually have some decent skills."
"It's Desti." She sighed, turning her back towards SMG3, her own smirk residing in its place. "But whatever you say..."
With their backs turned to each other, Terrance stayed watch nearby in an area outside of reach. He knew he couldn't team up, he could barely hold one of the Splattershots. But, he wanted to support his father figure, or as others would say, his dad. He wanted to be there for him. To be an emotional visible support.
"On the count of three, when I say 'Go' we go, okay?" Desti called out, as SMG3 nodded.
"Agreed." His grip on the Splattershot tightened. He had every intention of showing his capabilities.

"Alright then. Three." Desti's own grip tightened on her weapon.
"Two.." SMG3 glanced behind him, but he stayed true to his back being turned like in a shoot-off.
"One..." Terrance chewed a bit of his bowtie, nervousness spread throughout his body.

As soon as the horn sounded from beside Terrance blown by SMG0, the two turned around and started their practice war. Although, both of them knew how competitive the other can get in competitions like this along with a power imbalance and skillset. SMG3 flew to the side, his body turning elegantly with ease as he rushed for cover. It caused Desti to laugh, as she started painting the ground.
"Have you seen Splatfest, SMG-Tree? You have to cover as much ground as you can!" She exclaimed loudly as she started to run over to SMG3's side to cover more ground, which sparked an idea in the guardian's head. He aimed for where Desti was going to land before spraying her with his own customised lilac ink. He was never really a fan of it, to be honest, but with some of the folks not being able to recognize colour easily due to their malfunction or just having bad eyesight in general, they chose one bright colour and one medium-toned colour. A hearty laugh came out of his face as he looked at Desti before making a run for it, planning to spray the ground and walls as much as he could.

SMG3 would be lying if he said this wasn't fun and a good relaxation method. Maybe more of a frustration anger management activity, but it did help soothe his worries.

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