Chapter 6

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"Did you miss me?" He asked SMG4.
He couldn't believe his eyes. How was he alive? Or– well, being seen! Nothing like this has happened before in this universe! Well, if we're being realistic, none of the characters who had a longer plot relevance needed to come back. But still! SMG4 couldn't believe his eyes. He watched SMG3 pick up the ball– or try to at least. His hand phased through the drooled-ball. His frustration shows as he tries to grab it with his other hand and then both, only to phase through it. He hit the grass out of frustration before phasing through again, like a loser. Eggdog gives him a puzzling look, before grabbing the ball and running back to SMG4, who was still entirely flabbergasted. A smile forms on his face as he awkwardly stands there. Was this a hallucination? Maybe it was, he could be down a rabbit hole of broken thoughts and emotions because of this event... but he was here. And responsive.
"Awh, I'll take that as a yes then." SMG3 replied, acting as if the phase ball wasn't a thing that happened 7 sentences ago.
"Why did you even have to ask that? Yes! Of course I missed you." SMG4 replied, going to hug him, which was the only redeeming thing, no, feeling that SMG3 has felt in what felt like years. He hugged him back, keeping his eyes open to watch Eggdog run around with the ball, running from Luigi. For some reason, there was an odd feeling within him. Like he needed to apologize but from what he remembered from Desti was that Luigi couldn't see him, but he looked so happily at the two for a brief moment. It was disheartening, to not be able to apologize.
"We have so much to catch up on." He explained to SMG4, running his hands through his hair. "Like how Niles is in the dead realm."
"He's what?!" SMG4 asked in shock, causing Luigi to turn his head.
"Yeah he like– exists! He's not in hell!" SMG3 laughed, letting go from the hug and pushing the hat down.
"Aw poop... wait until Melony hears of that." SMG4 laughed along, smiling at his love. Or what once was but now brought back.

The two laughed together, just enjoying the presence that was once empty but seemed whole again. It was a struggle, and even if one seemed to be happier than the other, they made it work. The moment of silence lasted not long, as a recognizable Italian came into the picture.
"SMG4!!?!? Where are you?!" He called out, SMG3's attention looked over to the call, noticing not only Mario, but Meggy. The red dressed and the unrest SMG3 locked eyes before smiling. He didn't miss Mario as much as he missed SMG4, but it was still nice to know he hasn't been affected that harshly, or he must have moved on quickly. SMG4 looked at Mario and Meggy, smiling with excitement. Luigi joined the mix, greeting Meggy. He was just as confused as Meggy. Mario ran into the hug, holding the both of them close.
"Mario's so glad you're back SMG3!" He cheered, looking at Meggy and Luigi. "Look! It's SMG3! He's back!"
Meggy smiled confused, wondering if Mario had gone insane too. "Yeah... that's nice, Red. But," she looked between Luigi and the group of 3. "I can't see him. I don't think Luigi can either."
The group stayed silent, SMG4 looked between them. A confused expression rested, even if that feeling that SMG3 was back. He could see it! But only him and Mario could. It was heartbreaking, it felt like he wasn't truly back, which was true. He was dead. SMG4 just can't forget that reality.
He was gone. For good. And that was the truth of the situation.

Luigi thought for a moment, looking at the pained expression of the two people, out of supposedly three. "Maybe this is an avatar thing?"
Meggy's head swiftly turned to Luigi's looking at his thoughtful expression.
Luigi soon realized all eyes were now on him, he shyly looked away to explain. "W-well, I mean... SMG1 and SMG2 said that Guardians and their Avatars have respected abilities when it comes to each other, like they're connected. Maybe that's why we can't see SMG3? Because we aren't... supposed to?"
All of them thought for a moment, before nodding. "That makes sense," SMG4 replied "but we should probably ask them to clarify."
Mario and Meggy nodded in unison. "That sounds like a good idea." Meggy chirped.
"They would know something about this anyways, they know a dead guy." SMG4 replied back, a soft smile on his face. "So there's gotta be a good explanation for everything right now!"
Maybe there was hope for their unrequited love after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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