Chapter 4

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I walked through the door of my miserable household and my mood went back to how I always felt when I was at home. Just when I thought I was going to get up to my room before getting argued with I heard my mother's voice from the other room,

"Elizabeth, we need to talk."

"What do you want?" I asked moaning and groaning as I dried away my tears.

"Excuse me? Who are you talking to little miss?" My mom's voice raising in volume grabbing my wrist.

"To you, I am talking to you. You haven't taught me anything but to ignore people so excuse me for pretending to care." I said, trying to break free of her grip on my wrist.

"What are you talking about? I have taught you how to be respectful and kind. Why can't you be more like you sis-." I interrupted her,

"For the love of God! Can we stop talking about Skye for 5 minutes?!?" I screamed putting both of my hands in my hair and clenching them into fists, grabbing a handful of hair, walking halfway up the stairs and turned around and yelled louder, "Argh! I am so sick and tired of you comparing me to Skye. First, my best friend talks about her 24/7. Then you guys tell me to be more like 'my sister'. My great and wonderful sister. Right? Isn't that what you guys call her? Why can't you just understand that I am nothing like her? Why can't you just accept me for who I am?" I asked as I continued to my room.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth, get down here right now!"

My mom said waiting for the slam of my door.

I had debated going out my window but I decided that wouldn't have been such a good idea. I couldn't help but think that Daniel was thinking about Skye this exact moment.

After crying for a few hours and taking a few pictures, I work up the urge to escape from this room and go on a stroll around the neighborhood. I put my shoes on and my jean jacket, shove my phone and camera in my pockets and walk out my door,

"Mom, I'm going to take a walk. I really need some air." I said coming out of my room after being in there for 4 hours straight.

"Nuh-uh, I don't think so, you are going to sit here and talk to me. What happened to you?" She asked, putting her hands on my shoulder. Her hands were still a little damp from her doing the dishes.

"It's nothing. It's not like you care anyway." I said breaking eye contact and being like the typical teen that thinks no one cares about anything that they do.

"How dare you say that I don't care? I do care. You are my daughter and I love you." She said, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Right, okay. Good talk. I'm going to go now." I rolled my eyes followed by a sigh and went for the door.

As I walked, I had this strange feeling as if someone was following me or watching my every move. I became more aware of my surroundings but kind of brushed it off my shoulders. Getting kidnapped wouldn't be the worst thing right now.

I was almost to the end of the road and I looked back at the house when someone had bumped into me, dropping my camera in the process.

"Hey! What is your problem?" I asked the man that bumped into me bending down to retrieve the camera.

"My problem? What's your problem?" He asked, sounding like he was mocking me. His voice sounded cold, distant, cunning. He caught my eyes as I came up from the ground and just stared at them for a moment.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked as he followed.

"Nah, my name is Jay." He smiled and held out his hand. I uncrossed an arm from around my waist and shook his hand firmly,

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