Part 14

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"...two hours' time, the bombs will explode. I'll be generous, though, and give you a chance to take care of it. Prove that meta abilities can be used for good.."

"The fuck?!," Bakugo cursed loudly.

"Let's get to the place and use this key," Rody spoke up, holding out the deactivation key. Everyone looked at him, expressions ranging from sheer surprise to extreme doubt.

"Kacchan, can you find it?," Izuku turned back to the boy on the laptop, who was frantically scanning through the huge list of files. With some more cursing, he was able to pull up a map and isolate one spot not shown on the map so graciously provided to the news.

"Okay, but that's so far away," Todoroki stated what they all had thought upon seeing the location. Senji tugged at his sleeve, while Rody took the laptop from Bakugo and tapped away for a few minutes.

"Lemme see your phone," Senji held her hand out, while a confused Todoroki produced the requested item and handed it over. Senji plugged it into the laptop, pushing Rody aside for a moment, then unplugged it and typed out some sort of message. She sent it off, then tossed the phone back to it's owner.

"You couldn't use your own?," Bakugo asked flatly.

"Lost mine, his is busted," Senji answered, pointing to Izuku.

"Here! I know how we can get there," Rody spun the laptop around and pointed to a blurry satellite image. The others squinted at it, each one reaching an understanding at the same time.

"Huh? Ain't like we can waltz in and they'll fly us out," Bakugo spoke out first, voicing his confusion.

"I don't think we're asking," Senji offered. Rody nodded at her, confirming her fears.

"I don't feel comfortable stealing an aircraft," Todoroki expressed his concerns. Izuku tried to get something out, but kept stumbling over words.

"We've already done a lot of questionable shit. What's one more? We don't have time to be bent up over it, anyway," Senji voiced her agreement on the plan, in a roundabout way. She rolled to her feet, steadying herself with Rody's shoulder. Pino flitted over to his hood, settling in and sharing the same worried expression of the other three boys. Bakugo clicked his tongue, but stood up and hastily packed away the laptop.

"I can fly whatever, so we just need to get something," Rody attempted some kind of reassurance. The others reluctantly grabbed the bags and they all shuffled out of the building and down the street. Todoroki used his ice to speed along with the other two, while Bakugo and Izuku rushed forward with their quirks. They neared the city's airport, and Rody guided them to a fence near the runway. Security guards were mainly focused on maintaining order inside, and at the gates. Senji hopped over first, then Rody and Todoroki. They snuck over toward a smaller cargo plane, and climbed aboard. Rody started it up, alerting the guards who rushed out and opened fire. Todoroki blocked them with a wall of ice, while Senji used scales to knock their guns loose and pin them down. The plane took off, with Bakugo and Izuku rushing in with their quirks and crashing to the floor.

"Hope we missed the cameras, at least," Senji plopped down into the copilot's seat. The other three started undressing, changing into their hero costumes and gear.

"So, him?," Rody glanced at the girl beside him. She wore the blonde's shirt now, and left it unbuttoned. A detail he had been trying to ignore, but now couldn't with her right there. He started up a conversation, as a way to calm his nerves while he worked the controls and levers for the plane.

"Huh?," she returned his glance, and he looked away. Pino poked out of his hood, shooting her a strange look.

"The angry one. He and him-?," Rody struggled to actually say the words in his mind. He swallowed hard, fighting a new surge of uneasiness welling in his chest. It was pretty obvious after the events earlier, but he was still afraid of having it confirmed. Afraid of erasing his doubts about the girl he'd been traveling with, and her relationships. Erasing the hope that had started to build up in his heart, even though his head knew that such a thing wasn't possible in the slightest.

"Let's...address this later," Senji spoke softly, startling him out of his own head again. Her voice was closer than he expected it to be, and her tone wasn't cold or harsh. Rody glanced over to see that she had reached out, toward him. Or, more accurately, toward the bird writhing in his hood under the weight of his conflicting feelings. She scooped Pino up, and retreated back to her own seat.


"Weh! Katsuki?," Senji was startled this time. The boy with an explosive temper had snuck up on the awkward exchange, and Senji's face flushed to match Rody's. Bakugo gritted his teeth, not blind to the way they reacted. He handed a small object to Senji, who took it while stumbling over some sort of apology.

"Later," the blonde mouthed to her. She looked away, silenced by the look she had received. Then he turned to Rody, obviously holding back a rush of rage, and shoved a similar small object into his hand.

"We'll be there in a few minutes. I'll get ready to land," Rody switched gears, updating everyone present on their location.

"We'll drop in, you get out of here," Izuku implored Rody to stay behind and out of harm's way. Rody protested, but was shut down in an instant by Bakugo.

"Extras like you should stay outta the way!," he shouted, stomping toward the back of the plane.

"He's sort of right," Todoroki agreed, moving to the back. Rody didn't really have an argument, so reluctantly resigned himself to staying out of the action.

"I'll stay with til he's in the clear," Senji assured Izuku. That seemed to be good enough, as he joined the other two at the back and opened the cargo bay door. Todoroki and Izuku leapt first, with Bakugo hanging behind for just a second. He didn't look back, but he shouted something at the two remaining.

"You stay with him!"

And he jumped before Senji could argue. Rody used the controls to pull the door back shut, and guided the plane in a downward arc. Senji sighed knowingly, and stood to brace herself for an impact.

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