Part 21

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"I guess..that was too much at once," she spoke quietly, her voice starting to give out.

Pino hopped onto the girl's lap, attempting to reassure her while also struggling with the weight of Rody's inner turmoil. Just a couple weeks ago, Rody had been living day to day with his siblings and focusing everything on them. He hadn't had any friends since childhood, working tirelessly to support his family after everyone they knew turned their backs on them. He was then thrust into an impossible situation, where people training to be like the heroes he had given up on pulled through for him over and over. They risked it all, for someone they didn't even know. Opening up to him, with no reason to trust him at all. Relying on him, even, when he could hardly offer anything during the many scuffles with Humarise.

"Is it..really okay?," he finally asked, pulling himself and Senji out of their own thoughts. The girl looked up at him, and leaned forward again. Her expression was clearer now, and she once again took his hand.

"It is. You've worked hard, more than a lot of others. And given up a lot just to take care of your family when no one else would. If there's something you think will make you happy, even if it's hard, then you should go for it. You deserve that just as much as anyone else."

Rody took a moment to process that, as well. It was a lot to consider, with many things he had ruled out as completely impossible for someone like him just a couple weeks ago. He looked to Pino this time, hoping she would be able to discern the feelings he was afraid to acknowledge. Senji followed his eyes, spotting the little bird in her lap and smiling sweetly at it. Pino had settled down, and blushed brightly while hiding her face with her little wings. The girl turned that same sweet smile back toward Rody, who was almost pinned under her at this point.

"I guess it's cheating if I go by Pino's reaction."

"A little bit," Rody responded finally. They both laughed nervously, Senji falling forward further as the tension lifted. Her head rested against his shoulder for a moment, while the two laughed out their remaining apprehension. She pulled back once their giggling fit subsided, her face barely an inch from his own, and finally became aware of the position she had put them both in.

"M-my bad!," she started to pull herself off, but Rody's hands darted to her shoulders before he could stop it. He instantly released her, apologizing for being weird. She froze, mind racing while she processed. Then she grinned again, the edges of her mouth wavering slightly.

"Hm? It's okay to not hold back so much," she teased him a little, and his face rose to even higher temperatures. Riding the new high of her emotions, she leaned in closer. Slowly, her chest brushing against his, pulling herself further over the top of him. Rody panicked, internally, while his hands flailed wildly about. He stammered hard, his heart and his head still not syncing up properly. Just before they made contact, Senji's face turned to the side and she froze up like that.

"Nope. It's hard, after all," she squeaked out.

"Wheh?!," Rody made a weird sound, misunderstanding her meaning for a split second and tensing up. Senji's face grew even redder, along with his, as they both understood at the same time how her phrasing had been off.

They stayed frozen in place for just a few seconds, but those seconds felt like small eternities. Each one became painfully aware of their surroundings. The light breeze from a nearby fan blowing. The occasionally flickering, dim overhead light of the trailer. Hair brushing against skin, skin against clothing. Breathing, hot and heavy, to match the pounding of their hearts in their ears. Senji's tail had fallen over Rody's legs when she pulled herself over the top of him, and twitched against his thigh. Senji swallowed hard, and the normally slight sound was loud in Rody's ear.

"Just..don't think too hard about it. Let your body do...what it wants to do. Just a bit," she whispered between breaths. Whether to Rody, or to herself, it wasn't clear. But as her eyes once again met his, he pulled his arm around her. Gingerly, he pulled her face toward his own, and she followed his lead.

He stopped just short of a kiss, searching her face for some sort of sign. What kind, he didn't know, but he didn't want to completely surrender to the instincts screaming back at him. Senji cocked her head slightly, then caught on. He was hesitating still, like her, despite the mutual desire. She looked back down to his free hand, curling her fingers between .his, then looked back at him with a matching awkward smile.

"Didn't mean to say that out loud," she chuckled a little, before pressing her lips to his.

Both tensed again as their lips met, equally surprised. She pulled back first, but not far, and Rody squeezed her hand. They were both shaking, with equal measures of nerves and anticipation. Not wanting to get stuck again, they pulled back into each other. The room around them dissolved as their kisses grew more and more intense. Head spinning, heart pounding, they slowly gave in completely to their surging emotions and instincts. Senji's hand pulled away from his, fingers sneaking under the hem of his shirt. His hands found her waist, teasing the edge of her shirt as well. Her tail slid over something more sensitive, and furled up and around beside the couch.


Just then, the front door opened and a very bewildered Todoroki stood in the frame. He looked at the two tangled on the couch, then toward something next to the door frame outside. Izuku, who had been standing awkwardly at the edge of the hallway, let out a surprised squeak and tried to explain himself. Senji jumped up, and away from Rody. She stumbled and fell over the coffee table, while he bolted upright and fumbled some sort of explanation to Izuku.

"Did you break up?," Todoroki asked Bakugo, who had been listening in from just outside. The three inside the trailer, already flustered, went beet red as the blonde shouted something incoherent at the dense boy who had interrupted the steamy affair. He was shoved aside, and left even more bewildered when Bakugo grabbed Senji's collar and dragged her out. He used his quirk to shoot off with her, leaving the chaotic scene behind.

"Midoriya?," Todoroki turned to his remaining classmate, seeking clarity. Izuku, the accidental witness, let out a sound like a kettle reaching its boiling point. Rody recovered first, jumping up and rushing over to the sink to start on the dishes. Izuku took the dishes from Todoroki, and that Bakugo left behind, and sheepishly approached the small kitchen area.

"I didn't mean t-to..I-I mean. I just happened to-!," he couldn't find a single sentence to focus on, and kept cutting himself off to start a new one. Rody laughed out loud, and the room's awkward air dissipated somewhat. He took the dishes, and focused on that while his friend apologized profusely for eavesdropping. Todoroki, unsure what to do, apologized as well and took a seat while the other two struck up a different conversation.

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