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"Miguel, keep your head on the mission!" Jess yelled.

Snapping out of it, he saw that Gwen was being chased by the anomaly.

He webbed himself up to the anomaly and attempted to have the element of surprise, but he must have been off his game as the anomaly was able to dodge him and fly down to the streets full of civilians.

He grabbed a civilian who screamed for help. She looked absolutely terrified. And when Miguel looked down, he saw that it was you.

Something about you made him drop all his defenses. He couldn't think of anything more important than your safety

Enraged, Miguel swung down to the anomaly, abandoning all types of mission protocol. He grabbed the villain and began to beat it to a pulp.

He couldn't even hear Jess saying his name or you screaming anymore.

All he knew was this anomaly was going to die, as painfully as possible.

"Miguel, MIGUEL!" Jess was yelling, whilst tears were threatening to stream down your face.

By the time Miguel was satisfied, The anomaly didn't have a face anymore.

He stood up, heaving with anger.

He turned to you shaking below him and his glowing eyes dimmed. Seeing the fear in your eyes reminded him of his wife.

Everything about you reminded him of his wife. Your face, your scent, your hair.

All he wanted to do was hold you. And protect you. Seeing you captured by the villain made him go feral.

Jess was squatting next to you in an attempted to comfort you.

"It's ok, What's your name?"

"My name is y/n."

Miguel's eyes went wide. That was his wife's name.

Miguel O'Hara One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now