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Word Count ~1007


You woke up and got changed

You woke up and got changed

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After changing you put your hood up and put a mask on

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After changing you put your hood up and put a mask on.

You see after appearing on T.V multiple times you had a lot of people bombard you with questions and autographs so you kept to yourself and never used your wings out in public so you wouldn't attract attention.

You checked the time and realized that you were already late so you grabbed your bag of stuff and ran out of the door and to the place where they kept rehearsals.

Time Skip~

After running your whole way there you ended up finding your coworkers and running up to them.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I lost track of time... anyways what are we doing", you inquired.

"Come here Mari I'll fill you in", Alex said putting an arm around your shoulder before continuing.

"So do you want me to fill you in on the whole play or just the part where we come in", he asked.

"The whole play if you can", you responded.

"Alright so there's an astronaut looking for a missing space explorer and she has this robot assistant and they explore all the planets. So there's six planets the planet of war, love, despair, joy, harmony, and prosperity. Then there's also this girl from the planet of prosperity that's trying to find love and stuff and goes through like all of the planets and yeah", he said summing it up.

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