
178 9 2

Word Count~1626


You woke up to your alarm.

It was a brand new day.

You got yourself ready, grabbed your stuff, and headed out to rehearsals.

You praised yourself for not being late and ended up being in the rehearsal room right on time.

After being there for a couple minutes people started showing up and they looked shocked to see you there already.

"Hey Mari, I see you're not late today", Alex greeted, walking up to you.

"It seems so Alex. Although you seem a little late to me", you teased.

"Oh so we're playing that game now", he chuckled.

"It seems as if so", you giggled.

The door opened to the room and the instructor walked in.

"Hey guys sorry for being late I just had to discuss something with another instructor. Also Y/n", he called.

"Yes?", you asked.

"Before I forget, you won't be doing your other class today. So you have the night off", he informed you.

"Oh how come?", you asked.

"I'm not sure they won't tell me", he answered.

"Oh ok", you said, wondering if the other person said yes to the role.

"Alright let's begin"

Time Skip~

It had been a couple hours and you just finished rehearsals when you got a call so you answered it.

"Hello who is it?", you questioned.

"You really need to learn to check caller iD first mate", Nooshi spoke from the other side of the phone.

"Sorry Nooshi, anyway what's up", you asked.

"I thought we were gonna hang tonight mate", she reminded you.

"Sorry I completely forget, but anyways I'm still free", you said.

"Perfect meet me in front of the skate board shop", she told you.

"Alright see you soon", you said.

"See you soon", she said before hanging you up.

You rushed to your hotel room and quickly got ready, grabbed your stuff and headed to the place she said to meet.

On the way there you got a call and you decided to answer it.


"Hey Y/n its me your boss, I was wondering if you could fill in for Angie she's not feeling well. If not I totally understand", he reassured you.

"Let me call you back in about 10 minutes and I'll give you my answer", you told him.

"Alright take your time, bye", he said

"Bye", you said hanging up the phone.

You ran to the shop and saw Nooshy waiting there already.

"Hey Nooshy", you called out to her.

"Hey Y/n, what took you so long mate", she asked.

"Sorry I got a call from my boss he wants me to fill in for someone tonight", you told her.

"That's alright mate, but if you can could you get me two seats for the show", she asked.

"Of course but why two?", you inquired.

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