2. On-the-Job Training

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      Psychopomp number 1-8 wasn't exactly opposed to having their first independent assignment monitored by another psychopomp, but they did feel that maybe it wouldn't be too great of an idea to have an observer always sitting just outside of their vision. 1-8 knew that would only make things worse if they lost control of the situation, and any unnecessary stress was not appreciated.

      1-8 stood just outside of the glowing archway that would lead them into the Place Between where their first assignment awaited. The glow from the archway seemed almost dim compared to the corridor of the Between that they stood in waiting.

      "Psychopomp 14-0 will be with you temporarily 1-8. It seems that they've been caught up with some difficulty from their assignment." The voice resonated clearly in 1-8's mind, echoing faintly like a shouted message in an empty valley.

      "Thank you Eleo," 1-8 returned in reply, "I've been outside the archway for some time now without an appearance from 14-0."

      No reply came resonating from 1-8's ethereal mind, there was only the light fuzz of white noise being emitted from every direction by the Between.

      "If at all possible," 1-8 began, pausing briefly for the chance of interruption, "perhaps I could begin without 14-0? As the rest of you said, I'm almost ready to begin assignments on my own. So what would it hurt to forgo an observed assignment?"

      The blank fuzz of white noise continued uninterrupted for only a few seconds after 1-8 had finished speaking.

      "That will not be necessary 1-8. Number 14-0 has just finished ferrying their assignment across the river. They will be with you shortly."

      "If they'll be here soon, it wouldn't hurt anything to let me start on my own. If something does go wrong they should be here by the time I might reach that point. I'm supposed to be getting used to soloing assignments, so why not let me through?" 1-8 prepared themself for some sort of angered reply or critical remark from the psychopomp with whom they shared communication. But nothing came swiftly into their mind. There was only that beige silence of the Between that hummed and buzzed as it bathed 1-8 in its ethereal emptiness.

      No reply, great, 1-8 thought to themself, letting their disappointment steep. Wouldn't it be more efficient to let me take care of this assignment without 14-0? Let them help others and let me learn on my own. Maybe I could...

      Finally, 1-8 heard a voice coming to answer their now shameful plea for independence.

      "That won't be necessary 1-8, though I appreciate the tenacity. I'm sure you'll do great once you're on your own."

      1-8 realized the voice was not Eleo's and was no longer inside their head. They turned their attention to a now fading archway that had opened not far down the corridor from their position. Striding toward their position from the dimming arch was a skeletal figure neatly dressed in black slacks and a dark sweater.

      "You are 1-8 right? Or have I gotten myself lost again somehow?"

      "I am them. I assume you're 14-0, the one I've been waiting on for an amount of time?"

      "That I am, though I was given a new name some time ago. You can call me Feather instead of all those numbers. And I apologize for the slight tardiness, my last assignment was a little more difficult than I thought. She took a little longer than expected, but we got her through the curtain all the same. Again, apologies, you know how assignments can be sometimes." Feather shook their head, the feeling of a smile radiating off of them as they recounted the menial story.

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