Author's Note

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A whole hearted thanks to all of you who decided to give this story a chance. Wattpad is a platform with so many amazing authors and stories and the fact that you came across this one and went ahead to read it is very much appreciated. 

Why write this story?

One of the first stories that I read when I got into reading had this troupe, so I've always loved it. Among so many other things going on in my life right now, I really just wanted to write a story that has the 'Brother's best friend' troupe. So here it is. 

Trigger warnings?

Yes, the story does have multiple scenarios that describes mature scenes, violent scenes and abusive language. I would like to inform that the story or the author(me) in no way, shape or form does defend the act of sexual harassment or any other type of physical/ mental abuse.

How much violence?

Teeny - tiny bit, since I, myself don't have a very strong heart that can take a lot violent scenes let alone writing. But since there is mention of such scenes, the warnings are necessary. 


I will try my best to update the story twice every week.


Now grab a snack, sit back and move on to the next chapter <3 

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