Chapter 1

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The smell in the air here is so much different. The breeze fell on her skin and flattered her semi greasy dark brown hair when she tilted her head slightly outside the window. They enter a small town on the way and she instantly wants to stay there. 

Pretty little building. Almost everyone knows everyone. Benches on the sidewalk where people are reading. Small houses, small cafes, small shops. It gave her some kind of comfort. Well actually small spaces all together. She never was a fan of big luxurious rooms. Always fought for the smaller room. 

They passed a museum on the way and Darla knew that she was gonna visit it pretty soon. Just something about museums she can't understand. As if they were built for her to visit. This probably doesn't happen to everyone who visit but she felt everything around her going numb every time she indulged herself in all those art. Like nothing mattered because nothing was as important as those strokes on the canvas, those curves on the sculpture those platters of colours on the picture. Nothing was as beautiful compared to all these emotions spread across the canvases. 

Darla looks back at the town and the museum as it gets left far far behind her. A shadow of disappointment washes over her face when she realises that she's so far away from home. From all her friends. From that familiar kitchen, bedroom, couch. So far away from the view she saw every morning right above her head. So much far away from Milo. His smile, his eyes, his hands his dark hair parted from the middle. 

Darla swings her head back inside the car and gently slams it against the back seat. "How long?" She asks the man driving the car, her brother. Dean looks at the mirror to find his sister unattentively looking out of the window with a face that clearly says 'I'm already homesick.' 

"Almost there." He knows it's tough for her. Specially when she had to leave all her friends thousands of miles away for at least the next 5 years. He had went through the same thing, years ago. but this place has grown on him. And Dean is sure it'll happen to Darla as well. at least he had his best friend here with him. 

The people in their neighbourhood is really nice. A lot of them brought him welcome gifts as soon as he moved to his house. They even took care of the little rescue dog that he had adopted, at times when he went back to his hometown. They are warm and welcoming. Like a small town neighbourhood. He knows that Darla loves the small town vibe.   

It took them a good 10 minutes after Dean had told Darla that they were almost there. As soon as the car stops she steps out of it eager to crash on the bed, which by the way won't have the same feeling, but yeah, whatever. She just needed to crash. 

It took Dean like 3-4 minutes to park the car in their garage and take out all of Darla's belongings. 2 suitcases and a one big leather bag. And that's how long it took Darla to look around and realise that the neighbourhood wasn't half bad. 

It was decent. even though this place is very much a city, this particular area of Hartford has a small town vibe. "Nice..." She mumbles under her breath. 

Dean who wasn't intended to hear it heard it and felt nice. The corner of his lips tugged up in a smile very subtlety that Darla didn't notice. "Come on." Darla follows her brother inside. 

With every step inside the house Darla realises that she'll be here for a pretty long time. The shoe cupboard on the right side of the entrance, a square mirror in top of it. Another white door that gives entrance to a pretty spacious foyer, a big white mat, an olive green couch. A flat screen TV on the wall right before the couch. A narrow black slab below the TV. A small plant on the right corner of the room. A bean bag below the window on the left side. 

Then there's the kitchen. It's not that big but it's pretty. She wasn't surprised that Dean had kept things so clean. He has always been the clean guy. Darla on the other hand sometimes keeps the surrounding messy. But she would sit one day and take care of everything that is out of place. that usually happens on the weekends. 

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