(CH6) Meanwhile at Michael's house

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Michael was watching nothing because the TV was broken

Michale: Mann... this is boring af I got nothing to watch!! :(

ah well, surely Jeremy and that orange dude I forgot his name can go find a new tv


...Surely, right?


We gotta get Jeremy and Anthony back.


Michael got on the phone with the 3D help people. "Hello, help people? I'd like to report a missing people case." He dialed the help people number. "Uhh yes the help bambis can help you with that, can you describe what they looked like?" The operator on the other line spoke to Michael. "Their names are Jeremy and Anthony. Jeremy appears as a silhouette of Bambi with a black and green cloud effect covering their body and two glowing white eyes. Anthony resembles Mr. Bambi's Christmas design, albeit completely black with orange outlines and two bold black lines on his hat and feet. For his neutral special, he wields a gun." "Okay didn't need to write a whole paragraph dumbass, we will make a missing people report." The missing Bambi center began an investigation around the 3D world to find Jeremy and Anthony. Michael hung the phone up and sat down on the ground.

"I just hope they're ok."

(221 words, filler chapter I know)

(Anthony you use water!?!?)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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