Chapter 6: The Agreement

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Kaylin's POV

The seven of us walked out of the Underworld. We looked around and saw that our moped bikes were missing. "Somebody stole our bikes!!" I yelled, angrily. "Kaylin, we'll just take the limo." Shawn said and I nodded. We all climbed into the limo before we drove to the entrance of the Isle. The barrier opened and we drove through before it closed. I then saw Yareli, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Harry, and Gil. "Stop the limo." I said and got out with Shawn, Hadie, Celia, and Gizmo. "There you are!! We have been looking for you two everywhere." Yareli said as they ran over. "What? Are you coming to tell Mom and Dad that the barrier-" Mal cut me off before I could finish. "No, we came to tell you that we know who stole the scepter and crown." Mal told me. "Who is it?" I asked, crossing my arms. "It's Marissa and my mother & aunt." Uma said and my eyes widened. "Well, that's a plot twist in a half." I said. "Tell me about it. Why is there a limo behind you guys?" Mal asked and Dad got out. "Because me and my wife are inside." He said. "What is Hades doing inside the limo?!" Evie asked. "Mal was planning on closing the barrier." Shawn said and everybody else looked at Mal. "M?" Evie asked and Mal shut her mouth. "So, my daughter and sons were grabbing us to show Auradon that they are such things as changed villains." Dad said and I smirked. "Look, I'll explain later but can we save Auradon first so your plan doesn't go to waste? Once they wake up, we can introduce them to Hades and talk to the Royals." I crossed my arms. "Gurantee me that you will let me lead the way. I'm still mad at you." I said. "Deal. Promise." She said. I then heard noises and turned around to see Frederick Frollo.

"OF COURSE!! You two idiots would come out at the wrong time!!" I said, walking over while they stood up. "Kaylin-" Persephone cut off Dad. "Let her deal with it. We all know that she is the only one who can calm them down." She told him and he nodded. "I am worried about Marissa AND I haven't seen Zevon in forever. If you don't trust me, you can take me back. But please, let me see my friends." He said, putting his hands up. I groaned. "Fine. But your ass is going back onto the Isle if you do anything." I said and he nodded. "Let's go." I said and we climbed into the limo.

In Auradon

When we got to Auradon, we looked around to see that... "They're asleep. Everyone." Evie said. I looked down at my phone, seeing the call end. "I can't get Nathan." Mal said. "I can't get Ben." I said, starting to worry. "Or Dizzy or Doug." Evie said, looking at her phone. "Or Jane. The signal's out." Carlos said, making me bite the inside of my mouth slightly. "Are you ok, sweetheart?" Persephone asked me. "Yeah, just worried about Ben." I told her. "We'll find him, don't worry." She told me and I nodded. "Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked, pointing to the building that was Auradon Prep. "Yeah, and when everybody wakes up, you're gonna love it." I told her and she did a small celebration making me smile. "Everything is so...." Frederick trailed off. "Freaky?" Jay said, giving him a word. "Green! You have leaves on your trees! And what are those color things in the bushes?" Frederick asked, pointing to a flower bush. "Flowers...?" Jay said. "Flowers are pretty. Cantaloupe?! Mm. Mmmm." Frederick said, eating some grapes. "We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" Uma reminded Jay. "Mmmm. Thank you." Frederick told the sleeping person. "They're grapes." Jay told him. "Grapes. I love grapes." Frederick said. 

"I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor." Harry said, snatching a wallet from a sleeping person's pocket. "You do. Me not squashing you like a bug." I said, grabbing the wallet back from him. "Think I'm scared of you, Kaylin." He said, getting up in my face. "GUYS!" Mal & Uma yelled and he walked back over while I put the wallet into the guy's pocket again. "Don't get up in my daughter's face again, Hook." Dad told him and Harry gulped. "Mmmm!" Dude the dog said, eating some grapes out of a guy's sleeping hand. "Dude!!" Carlos said and he turned around. "Delicious, mmmm." Dude said. "Dude, really?" Carlos asked him. "What?! It wasn't me, I swear! Okay, it was me." He said, making me snort. "Oh, do you know what happened here?" Carlos said. "Yep, Marissa and the other sea witches showed up, she put everybody to sleep, and then she turned some of them to-" Evie cut the dog off. "Guys. Hannah (A/N: Making this random chick the daughter of Happy, k?) turned to stone." She said and my face dropped. "Hey, we don't know what happened to Ben or the others. Just relax." Shawn said and I took a deep breath. "Alright, everybody stay on their toes." Mal said and I cleared my throat, glaring at her. She shut her mouth and gestered for me to speak. "Marissa and the others went straight for the crown, so I think it's safe to assume she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go." I said. We drove in the limo to Ben's castle before I opened the door. We went inside and I saw Lumiere rush over. "Lady Kaylin, is everything alright?" He asked. "We are trying to see if we can find Ben and Nathan? Do you know where they are?" I asked. "Last I checked, they were in his majesty's office. I haven't heard or seen them since. They asked the guards to hand out gas masks too."

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