Chapter 8: One Kiss & The Storm

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"I really hope they found the guys." I said, frowning. "Nice digs." Uma told Evie who smiled at her. "I got a really good deal." Evie said as we walked inside. We looked around and I saw the twins and Dizzy sleeping. I looked down at Gizmo who looked up at me. I went over to where they were and walked over. I took off all three of their glasses and put them on the table next to the couch. I put a red blanket over them and made sure it was covering them. I smiled and kissed their foreheads before walking away. I then heard snoring and looked around. "What was that?" I asked. We all walked inside and saw Doug sleeping on the table. "Uh, who's the dude?" Uma asked. "Doug!" Evie gasped and walked over before kneeling to his side. "Doug. Wake up, wake up." She said. "He's spelled. Is she not a fast learner?" Uma asked me and Mal. "She's emotionally involved, ok?" I told her. "Well, in that case, she should be able to wake him up. True love's kiss? Works every time?" Uma told her. "Well, we haven't actually used the L word yet." I groaned, leaning my head back. "Can we be alone?" She asked. I rolled my eyes before nodding to the girls.

(A/N: Skipping this song as well.... Just add Kaylin!)

Third POV: With the Boys in the Woods.... HEHEHE

"Ben!" Shawn shouted as they walked. "Oh, boy, something stinks and it wasn't me this time." Dude said before a beasty man jumped out from behind a tree. "AHHHH!!" The dog screamed as he ran away. "Gil!" Carlos said, pulling Gil from out of the beast's way. The action that Carlos did knocked the beast against a tree. The beast then turned, trying to go after Jay, Harry, and Hadie. Hadie tapped the raven haired pirate on his shoulder before that same pirate shoved the beast away. The beast then leaped again for Harry. "Gil." Shawn told Gil. "Watch out!" Jay said, both him and Hadie pulling Harry out of the way. The beast then climbed up, before growling. He held his paw to the side of him. Whoever this was seemed injured. "You need some serious nose adjustments." Harry said. "I'm not so sure." Carlos mumbled. "Ben?" Shawn said, recognizing the sigma on Beast Ben's chest. "Did Marissa do that?" Jay asked. "Ah. I thought I recognized those pants." Shawn said. "Aw, he's got a boo-boo, that's why he's so cranky. You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all." Gil said. "You're good with animals. Do something." Hadie told Carlos who nodded. "But-- Okay. Alright." He said, going up to Ben.

"Okay, Ben. It's me. Carlos. Alright?" Carlos said, reaching out to Beast Ben who lashed out with his good hand. Carlos slightly backed up. "Whoa! Ben, Ben, it's Carlos." He said. "You helped me once. Remember with Dude? Right? Let me help you. Come on, let me see your hand. There you go. Alright. Atta boy--uh, beast--king, whatever. Oh, yeah, it's a big one. I'm gonna count, alright?" Carlos said, grabbing the splinter. "One. Two. There it is! You did it!" He said, showing Ben. All of a sudden, he was squirted with water in the face by Jane. "Hey!" Carlos said, smiling as he ran over to his girlfriend. "Oh, my gosh. I forgot to call." He told her. "You didn't show up!" Jane told her boyfriend. "I'm so glad you're alright!" They both finished before smiling and hugging each other. "All right." Shawn said, helping the now almost human Ben down. "You good?" Hadie asked, helping his younger brother. "Yeah." Ben said, very softly. "Take a seat right there. Yeah." He said, sitting Ben down. "Where's Nathan?" Hadie asked him. Ben opened his pocket and the tiny frog Nathan hopped out. "Oh no. Do you think the lake water will help?" Shawn asked him. "No, I think it's true love kiss." Ben said and Frog Nathan hopped onto Ben's shoulder. "Oh, that was... funky." Ben said. "It was." Jay said, agreeing with him. "There's...." Hadie trailed off, pointing to his chin. Ben touched his chin and felt a small beard. "Ohh..." He said. He looked around and saw Frederick. (A/N: I forgot to mention him LOL.... Ehhhh ) "Hold on. Whose side is he on?" Ben asked the others. "He escaped and joined us. The girls have the ember, which is our only hope to stop Marissa and the witches, details to follow." Jay explained to him.

"Wait, why is Hades here?" Ben said, noticing his fiancée's father standing with Hadie. "I said "I said, 'Details to follow,' we're meeting up Mal, Kaylin, Evie, Persephone and Uma, let's go." Shawn said. "Persephone?!" He asked. "Details to follow!!" Jane, Shawn, Hadie, and Carlos said.

Evie's House (Kaylin's POV)

"I don't know whose birthday it is, but I want this cake." Uma said, sitting at the table with me and Mal as well. "So, I... maybe kinda missed the boat a little bit on calling you Shrimpy and not letting you join the gang." Mal said. "Yeah. We really could've torn up the Isle together." Uma said, smiling. Before any of us could say anything more, a board flew up and attached itself to the door. More and more started coming until all of the windows & doors were closed. "Celia!!" Uma yelled. "We're trapped!" Celia said, running over. "Persephone!!" I yelled out and she came over. "It's ok, we're ok." She said, wrapping her arms around me protectively. "Are you guys okay? What's going on?" Evie said, running over with Doug. Mal held out her arms with her eyes glowing green. "You've caused my friends pain and fear, we've had enough, now disappear!" She spelled but it wasn't working. "You guys, I'm sorry, my spells aren't working." She said and my eyes started glowing blue with my hair glowing at the end. Uma's shell started glowing and she grabbed Mal's hand making me grab the other one. "You've caused our friends pain and fear, we've had enough, now disappear!!" All three of us yelled and the boards dropped down. 

I let out a sigh of relief. "You did it." Persephone said and I smiled, breathing in relief. "I guess my shell likes you." Uma said, making us chuckle. Celia ran over to the door and looked through the glass before turning to us, smiling. "Hey, it's your bae." She said, making us gasp. 

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