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Heya everyone hope your enjoying trying to update as frequently as possible so I hope you don't mind this being a short update:)

As Lottie rolled out of the café, the anticipation for her audition still coursing through her veins, she knew that navigating the streets all the way home in her wheelchair would be a daunting task. Despite the short distance, she hadn't consumed enough caffeine to fuel her wheels for the journey. Fortunately, her mother was waiting nearby, ready to pick her up and offer a much-needed ride.

Lottie's mother, Sarah, leaned against the car, her expression a mix of warmth and concern. She had always been Lottie's rock, supporting her dreams and offering unwavering love and encouragement. As Lottie approached, Sarah opened the car door, welcoming her daughter inside.

"Hey, sweetie," Sarah said, her voice filled with affection. "How was your time at 'Lucky Bean'? Did the coffee work its magic today?"
Lottie settled into the passenger seat, the familiar scent of her mother's perfume bringing her a sense of comfort. She glanced at Sarah with a knowing smile. "You know it, Mum m. The coffee was as delicious as ever, and it definitely fueled my dreams for the day."

As Sarah maneuvered the car onto the road, her eyes flickered with curiosity. "So, besides the audition, what else were you and Mia talking about? Any exciting plans?"

Lottie's cheeks flushed slightly as she glanced out the window. "Well, obviously, we talked about Angel," she replied with a hint of mischief. Angel was the code name Lottie and Mia had given to the boy Lottie had a crush on. They had spent countless hours dissecting every interaction, deciphering hidden meanings in his messages, and dreaming about the possibilities.
Sarah's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with understanding. "Ah, young love. It's a beautiful thing, my dear. Just remember to keep your heart open and be true to yourself. And who knows, maybe one day Angel will be more than just a code name."

Lottie's cheeks flushed even deeper . She trusted her mother's wisdom even if sometimes she didn't always show it she knew that love would find its way in due time. "In addition to Angel," Lottie continued, "we mostly talked about audition preparation.

"You've always had a knack for finding genuine friends, Lottie. Cherish those connections. True friendships are rare and valuable, especially in a world where people can be so consumed by their own agendas. I'm glad you have Mia by your side."

Lottie nodded, gratitude filling her heart. "I'm beyond grateful, Mia's belief in me and her constant encouragement keep me going, even when doubts creep in. I'm ready to take on any audition that comes my way."

As Sarah drove them home, the familiar surroundings of Havenbrook passing by, Lottie felt a surge of excitement mingled with nerves. The road ahead was filled with possibilities and dreams waiting to be realized. And with her mother's unwavering love and guidance, along with the support of friends like Mia, Lottie knew she had a solid foundation to conquer any challenge that lay before her.

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