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The passing of three weeks felt like an eternity for Lottie, the weight of unfulfilled expectations pressing on her shoulders. With a heavy heart, she gathered her friends and loved ones, a group that had been her steadfast support system throughout this journey.
In a room bathed in somber tones, she admitted the words she never thought she would say,
"I didn't get it. I haven't heard anything, and I think it's time to move on."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, the air suddenly thick with a mix of disappointment and understanding. Mia, who had been her unwavering cheerleader, placed a comforting hand on Lottie's shoulder.

"Lottie, maybe it's a sign to explore other possibilities. There are so many ways you can contribute to drama and make a difference."

Lottie, with a fragile smile, nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Mia. Maybe teaching drama or something related could be a more realistic path for me. At least I'd be doing what I love, even if it's not exactly how I envisioned it."

As Lottie made peace with the idea of redirecting her aspirations, the conversation shifted to practical considerations.
Friends suggested teaching positions, community theater involvement, and even avenues like drama therapy. Each suggestion carried the weight of compromise but also a glimmer of opportunity.
In the days that followed, Lottie found herself immersed in researching alternative career paths. The glow of her laptop screen became a silent witness to the recalibration of her dreams. The spark that once ignited her pursuit of the stage now found itself considering new stages, ones where the spotlight might not be as bright, but the impact could be just as profound.
Her mother, sensing the internal struggle, offered a comforting perspective.

"Lottie, exploring other options doesn't mean you're giving up on your dream. It just means you're adapting, finding a different way to weave drama into your life. Who knows, this might be a detour that leads you to unexpected opportunities."

Lottie, with a mix of gratitude and reluctance, nodded. The journey she had envisioned might have taken an unexpected detour, but it wasn't the end. It was a pivot, a recalibration of dreams that promised new possibilities.
As the weeks stretched into a month, Lottie found herself submitting applications and tailoring résumés. The auditions might have been silent, but her spirit remained unbroken. In each cover letter, she found a way to express the passion that fueled her love for drama, a fervor that refused to be extinguished by the silence of unanswered calls and emails.

The uncertainty of her future lingered, but with each application sent, Lottie built a bridge between her passion and the practicalities of life. Her pursuit of drama, no longer confined to the traditional stage, started to manifest in unexpected ways. The stage, it seemed, had many doors, and Lottie was determined to find the one meant for her.

And so, as the pages turned in the book of her life, Lottie embraced the uncertain future. Her heart echoed with the applause of dreams deferred, yet resilient in its belief that the stage, in some form or another, would always be a part of her story. The curtains might not have risen on the grand stage she had envisioned, but the drama of life continued, offering new scenes and opportunities waiting to be explored.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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