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TW: Violence, blood, death, slurs, and gore

Wednesday Addams POV:

Today is the first day that my plan is kicking off. So far everything is going well... other than the fact that my girlfriend is still turned into a dog. I doubt Tyler will attack today, but weirder things have happened. I'm not going to let my guard down like the last time he showed up.


Oh, well I guess I stand corrected. Tyler really is dumb enough to attack the school on a full moon. How on earth did I ever think I was into this boy?

I pick up my walkie, updating the plan so my team knows what to do.

"Bianca, head to the south corner with Eugene. Enid and I will meet you there. Everyone else head to the north corner. I trust you to not get yourselves killed, don't prove me wrong, over and out."

Enid gets up, running to the other side of the school with me. At least in the girls dog form her stamina is marvelous, her speed tops mine as she darts ahead. That's my girl.

Finally approaching the fence I see Bianca dangling in the Hyde's arms like an action figure, as well as Eugene running in circles crying for losing hundreds of bees to the monster in front of him. I can't tell if this Hyde is Tyler or not, but we need to subdue it.

Behind this scene, there is a trail of dead bodies from the attack team, he really knows how to bring a lamb to the slaughter.

As soon as the disgusting creature sees me, it throws Bianca over its shoulder, rushing towards my body at full speed.

Enid yells out, seeing the terrifying picture before her.

"Wednesday, NO!"

Her bones begin expanding inside of the girls flesh, turning from a dog to a werewolf. Her stride lengthens as her skin stretches to make way for more fur. She is now at least 10 feet tall and 15 feet across, yet still smaller than the Hyde she is facing. Her majestic body never stopped running even mid transformation. She runs up to the Hyde like a quarterback would when making the super bowls final tackle. The creature is catapulted next to a nearby tree as the two go head to head.

Enid backs away to get a running start while the Hyde is down, lunging forward, digging her claws deep into the Hyde's skin. My girlfriend is such a badass, I'm glad my taste in people has improved.

I take out two daggers from my belt holster, charging out to help my girlfriend. The Hyde's huge claws counterattack, scratching the wolf in front of me. My body reacts, letting out the most bloodcurdling scream as I watch the Hyde's claws paint red on my girlfriends mane. It looks like the monster lacerated a tendon or two in her back.

I notice Bianca stand back up from being thrown. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a concussion from the blood oozing out of the girls head.

Enid howls in pain, sinking her fangs into the enemy out of reflex. She shakes her head violently, tearing the Hyde's flesh little by little. This is my chance.

I jump up, plunging the daggers into the Hyde before me. I don't care if it dies right here, no one is allowed to lay a hand on Enid and expect to live to tell the tale. The Hyde screams from the sudden contact, making it de-transform into its human state as it tumbles down.

Tyler's dirtied body is revealed. He has cuts all over his upper torso from my daggers and Enid's fangs.

"Your girlfriend is such a bitch,  Addams." The boy mutters.

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