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Warning: 18+ chapter

Enid Sinclair's POV:

It's Christmas time? I can't even remember how long I've been dating Wednesday for but I can just tell it's been a while.

How did I even get here? Eh, It doesn't matter. I'm cuddled up with Wednesday in front of a huge and decadent fireplace. The warmth it emits is calming as I rest in the girls embrace.

Simply perfect.

All my worries melt away just feeling the girls touch. My head lies in her lap as she strokes my hair, this is so nice. For once my girlfriend's locks aren't in her typical braids, her hair is in perfect waves, resting freely like the ocean.

I look up at her dark orbs, eyes locking like puzzle's pieces as they connect.

The girl whispers something quietly, "wake up"

I cant quite make out what she is trying to say. Something up? I think.

"Hey can you say that louder?" I say while brushing the girls cheek above me. Her face heats up from my touch, I have this girl wrapped around my little finger.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to have a snowball fight, the snowstorm ended last night."

Snowstorm? I don't recall a snowstorm happening. I glance over out the window, seeing a view comparable to a Christmas wonderland post card. The trees are bare, just having a coat of white fluffy snow gracing the top of each branch. The ground has a thick layer of snow as well. My heart skips a beat, excited to act upon Wednesday's suggestion.

"Yes, I'd love to!"

I get up off her lap, holding my hands out to help my girlfriend up. She takes them in hers, standing up to face me. Ahh she looks so cute like this! I quickly place a peck on the girls lips, watching her grow flustered from the brief contact.

Knowing she wants more, I skip off to change into winter clothes.

It's at this moment I realize we aren't in Nevermore. Is this Wednesday's house? Every room I enter is huge and all of the furniture is black, I have no idea where I am going.

Wednesday notices my confusion, "Enid, don't you remember that my room is upstairs to the left?"

"Oh, uhh yes of course!"

My memory must be acting up or something because I don't remember ever coming here before. I follow the girls directions, not letting my lack of memory phase me. I skip up the stairs and step into Wednesday's room. Thing is resting on Wednesdays window perch, looking at the snow.

Her room is all black, not surprising in the slightest. She has death metal posters on her walls and all kinds of torture devices displayed across her room. The girl has knives hung, handcuffs for whatever reason, and wait IS THAT A GUILLOTINÉ?!

My girlfriend steps into the room behind me, closing the door. " Borrow my winter clothes, I have plenty." The girl says as she places her arms around my waist, pulling me into her.

"Okay, wens." I say, placing a kiss on the tip of the girls button nose. She faintly smiles at this, I love making this girl smile. I wish I got to see it more often.

I open the girls closet door, it is big enough to walk inside. It's filled with clothes in black, and black and white. I see a long coat that looks cozy. I pluck it off its hanger, placing it over my sweater. I put on a second pair of pants, having them fit snug so I don't get cold outside. Then I add on black gloves, and grab my Dino crocheted hat from my backpack.

I turn around to see Wednesday wrapped like a burrito in 50 different layers of clothes, her eyes barely exposed because of the amount of fabric she is wearing. This girl is so adorable omg.

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