Daphne and Sunny

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I ran into the girls bathroom. And locked myself in a stall. "Those... SNAKES!!!" I yelled. Daphne and Sunny walked in, "Al? Me and Daphne saw you running down the halls..." Sunny said. "Daphne! You were right! Mike has it out for me! And... Sunny... About our talk... The crush was..." I twiddled with my hair "Me? I know. It was... Obvious." Sunny said. "Let's be besties for right now and wait till we're older..." Sunny smiled. I nodded. "Forget teen romance! How does Mike have it out for you!?" Daphne asked. "Well, he thinks- Knows... I killed Blanco and Johnny..." I said. "Knows!?" Sunny said. "yeah... We still cool?" I asked "Yeah..." Sunny said. "Daphne?" Sunny asked. Daphne was busy on her phone. "I need to go." Daphne said. "Is she mad? She doesn't sound it?" I said. Me and Sunny spoke about if everything works out in the future we'll date.


"Yes, Mike. I have the recording right here!" I heard from outside the bathroom. "I know, I heard it. I'm just in denial." Mike said to the mystery person. "Wanna take another damn listen!?" The mystery person said. "No! I don't know what to do... Revenge?" Mike said. "Screw Revenge! Kill her on the spot! I know your a fighter!" The mystery person said. "What the hell?" Sunny said. "Kill her!? Then I'LL go to Juvie instead of her!" Mike said. "I'll find a way in Juvie too. We'll be together" The mystery person and Mike made out for a second. "Like, EW!" I heard Daphne's voice. And Daphne walked in. "Sorry, I was looking for Pads. There are 2 people making out, over there by the way." Daphne laughed "SHHHHH!!!!" I yelled "Wait. I think she's in there!" The mystery person said. "Well! Hi there!" The mystery girl came out. She had blonde hair, Blood red lipstick on. "I hope you don't mind I... Eavesdropped." She said. "Your such a bitch!" I said. "Hah! Okay, Murderer. I'm Marlo Make-way, A.K.A the girl who will get you in Juvie for Murder." She said. "That's Bull. You have no proof!" I took her recorder and smashed it. "What the- What is YOUR problem!?" Marlo said. "Your my problem!" I said. "Hmm. You see, Babe? This girl, Alice, Just earned herself an Enemy." Marlo walked out of the girls bathroom. "That son of a-" "SUNNY! I can fight battles! Just not with my fist." I said. "Wait, we all have our periods right?" I asked. "Yeah?" Sunny said "I see where your going with this! It's about gym time! Coach let's us off when we're bleeding!" Daphne said "YEAH! Let's talk REVENGE!" Sunny said

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