Chapter 5

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Henry's pov

1 year later

   I woke up to the sound of shuffling and people talking. I sat up and I put on my glasses. I got up out of bed and I let out a huge yawn as I stretched. I left my room and I walked downstairs. I looked around the room to find the Afton’s talking about something. “What are you doing up so early?” I asked everyone. They all turned to look at me and it seemed like they were shocked. “Good morning,” William said as he walked over to me. He kissed me on the lips and when he was done I giggled slightly. “I love you,” I said.
   “I love you too,” William responded.
   “You still haven't answered my question,” I said.
   “We were just planing some activities for today,” Flare signed.
   “All right then,” I said, a bit confused. Everyone went back to talking as I walked to the kitchen. I started to make myself some food and as I looked at the coffee pot I noticed it was turned off, which was very unusual. I decided to shrug it off as I was a bit too tired. I finished making my food and I went back to the living room. Once I was in the living room I sat down on the couch and Elizabeth walked towards me. “Henry,” Elizabeth said. “Dad said that when you are done eating that you should go get ready to leave. We are going to do some family things today.”
   “Alright,” I responded. “Thank you for telling me.”
   “No problem Henry,” she said before she left. I quickly finished eating my food and I walked to the kitchen. I cleaned up my dishes and then I went upstairs. When I walked into my room I found William getting changed into some fancy clothes. “William,” I said as I closed the door behind me. “Why are you dressing like that?”
   “I have my reasons,” he answered. “You should dress nice as well.”
   “Why should I?” I asked.
   “Let's just say that we are going somewhere nice,” he said. I decided to just do what he said and dress nice. I pulled out my suit and I put it on. “You look really nice,” William said as he walked up to me. “I just wanna kiss you.” He grabbed ahold of me by the waist and he kissed me on the lips. When he was done he let go of me and I felt my face get super hot. “You look so cute when you're flustered,” he whispered into my ear. I pushed away and I gave him this glare.
   “Okay, I’ll stop,” William said. He left the room and I went to the bathroom. I grabbed a comb and I started to style my hair. When I was done I did some other things till it was time to go. When it was time to go I got into my car with William and Flare while Micheal got into the other car with the others. We both drove off and I followed Micheal to what seemed to be a fancy restaurant. We both parked and then we got out of our cars. “This place seems so nice,” I said.
   We all walked over to the restaurant and we all walked inside. “Hello,” William said as he walked to the person at the podium. “I made a reservation for 5 pm.” The person looked through the reservation book and then they asked, “your Mr. Afton?”
   “Yes I am,” William responded.
   “Follow me,” the person said. Everyone followed them to a table with multiple chairs and a big table. We all sat down as the person handed out the menus. “Feel free to take your time,” the person said. We all took our time choosing out items and when we were ready we ordered. “So William,” I said. “Why are we really here?”
   “What do you mean?” William asked.
   “We only go to places like these for something special,” I said. “So what’s going on?”
   “You know,” he said. “I was planning to do this after we eat, though I guess that I’ll do it now.” He got up out of his chair and he stood in front of me. He got down on one knee and he pulled a box out of his pocket.
   “Henry Emily,” he said. “You mean so much to me. You mean the whole world to me. You have done so much for me, even after all that I have done. I killed innocent people, though you still looked over that in the end. I could never ask for anyone else in the whole world. Through everything I have done, you still stayed with me and loved me. So, I ask you one last favor. Will you make me the happiest man in the world, heaven, and hell, and marry me?”
   He opened up the box to reveal a ring and he held it up to me. I felt tears start to fill my eyes and my cheeks started to hurt from smiling. I was silent for a minute since I was in shock, though after a moment I responded. “Yes William, I will,” I said. William took the ring out of the box and I extended my hand. He grabbed ahold of my hand and he placed the ring on my ring finger, after which he kissed my hand. I pulled my hand back as I felt my face heat up. He went back to his seat and he sat back down.
   “So,” Micheal said as he looked at me. “You're going to officially marry this old man?” He pointed at William when he said old man. “I’m not an old man,” William said. Micheal coughed and for some reason that shut William up. “Yes,” I said. “I’m going to marry your father.”
   “So,” Flare signed. “That would technically make us your children as well.”
   “You know what,” I said. “You're right. It would technically make you and your siblings my kids as well.”
   “You know what that means Charlie?” Elizabeth asked.
   “What does that mean?” Charlie asked.
   “It means that we would be sisters,” Elizabeth said. Charlie seemed really excited about it. We all talked for a bit until the food arrived. We started to eat our food and when we were done William paid the bill. We all then left the restaurant and went back to our cars. We all drove back home and once we were home we parked the cars. People got out of the car Micheal was driving and Flare left the car me and William were in. I opened my door as William left the car. I left the car and closed the door behind me. “Well,” I said. “What else are we doing today?”
   “Maybe we should do things as a family?” Flare signed. We all thought for a moment before anyone responded. We all agreed to it and so we went inside to spend time as a family.

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