Chapter 8

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Henry's pov

Day of the wedding

   Today was the day. Today was the day that me and William were going to get married. It is now almost time for the wedding to start. To be honest, I am really nervous. “Henry,” Micheal said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was standing in the door frame. “Come on. It’s time for you to go up there.”
   “Thanks for telling me,” I said, getting up from my seat. I walked down stairs and I walked into the room the wedding was gonna be in. I walked to where I needed to be and Micheal stood next to me. After all, I did ask him to be my best man. We stood there for a bit as the people we invited started to take their seats. After about 10 minutes of waiting the music started to play and everyone looked towards the end of the aisle. Elizabeth started to walk down the aisle spreading purple and orange petals on the ground. Flare walked down after her, after which William followed. He was wearing a beautiful purple dress, his hair was in a loose ponytail, orange flowers were weaved into his hair, and he was holding a bouquet of purple and orange flowers. I felt my face heat up when my eyes laid on him. After all, he looked so beautiful.
   When he got to the end of the aisle he stood across from me. “Dearly beloved,” Freddy said. “We come here together to celebrate the joining of Henry and William.” He went on with the whole speech for a while. “Henry Emily,” he said. “Do you take William as your beloved husband?”
   “I do,” I answered.
   “And do you, William, take Henry as your beloved husband?” Freddy asked.
   “I do,” he answered. Evan walked up in between me and William and he handed us the rings. We both grabbed the rings and we placed them on each other's ring fingers.
   “I now announce you husband and husband,” Freddy said. “You may now kiss.” Both me and William pulled each other close and we kissed each other. It was the best kiss I ever had. It was now also the start of a beautiful afterlife for me and William.

William's pov

Same day

    Today is the day. Today is the day that me and Henry are going to get married. “Are you ready for the wedding?” Flare signed after she finished weaving the flowers into my hair.
   “Yup,” I responded. “Just nervous.”
   “That’s alright,” she signed. “It’s understandable. I’m sure that it will be just fine.”
   “You're right,” I said. “There’s no need for me to be this nervous. Besides, I have my family by my side.”
   “Dad,” Elizabeth said as she appeared in the doorway. “It’s time.” We all walked out of the room and we walked over to the beginning of the aisle. Elizabeth went down it first when the music started playing. Flare followed her and then I followed Flare. When I got to the end of the aisle I stood across from Henry.
   “Dearly beloved,” Freddy said. “We come here together to celebrate the joining of Henry and William.” He went on with the whole speech for a while and to be honest, it was a bit boring. “Henry Emily,” he said. “Do you take William as your beloved husband?”
   “I do,” Henry answered.
   “And do you, William, take Henry as your beloved husband?” Freddy asked.
   “I do,” I answered. Evan walked up in between me and Henry and he handed us the rings. We both grabbed the rings and we placed them on each other's ring fingers.
   “I now announce you husband and husband,” Freddy said. “You may now kiss.” Both me and Henry pulled each other close and we kissed each other. It was the best thing ever. This is what started my amazing afterlife once and for all.

The end

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