chapter three

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"They don't usually give those who are different a chance to show there real selves " said Asta
Draco nodded again, his voice low.
"It's a shame. We've both had it rough, and we both don't get the chance to show our true selves." He sighed.
"If we're being honest.. I think you would make an excellent friend. I'm not a bad guy deep down, either.. it's just that I'm used to this world being so cruel to me that I've learned to put up walls around myself. I can't help but think everyone's out to hurt me, you know?" said Draco
"I understand very much. I'm a lot like you in many ways. Would you like to be friends? " She looks at him as she sat up looking at him more
Draco's heart raced. He had never really been asked to be someone's friend before. A slight blush crept onto his face, though he quickly hid it from her. He extended a hand.
"I'd love to. Friends it is."
He smiled warmly, and his voice contained a hint of shyness.
She shook his hand "Great!" She smiled big and brightly.
Draco glanced down at the ground, a sheepish smile on his face. He looked back at her, and his voice took on a new tone.
"Sorry for being like that earlier. You really didn't deserve some of the things I said to you."
His eyes met hers, and there was a new spark in his eyes.
"I hope we can begin to trust each other more. It'll take time, but I want us to get to know each other more and become real friends."
"Its alright . I'd like that a lot " she said smiling happily at him. Her golden yellow eyes brightly shining
Draco felt a wave of calmness surge through his being. He felt at peace, sitting here talking to her. His heart was beating in his chest, and his face felt warm. It was almost like the stars themselves were smiling at him, or giving him a big thumbs up
Draco let out a long sigh, looking out at the sky again.
"We should make a wish. Make a wish and if we both make the same wish, then our journey to becoming friends will be a smooth one."
"I like that idea! That's really cool idea " she said looking up into the stars then back at him. "What should we wish for " she asked
Draco nodded thoughtfully, a kind smile on his face.
" How about we wish for a friend that'll accept us for who we are, no matter what happens. You know, someone that'll always be there for us. "
He paused, glancing back at her.
"I wish for that, at least."she said looking up at him smiling
Draco nodded, his heart feeling lighter.
"Good. Our wish is made, then. " he said
looked up at the stars again, smiling wistfully. "Maybe the stars will hear us? Only one way to find out, I guess.."
"I guess we wait and see "
She said looking up into the sky watching the stars .
A look of wonder crossed Draco's face, and his voice took on an almost breathless quality.
" It's beautiful, though. I think I'll always look up at the stars. They never judge, never hurt you.. they're always there for you. They're almost like friends that way." He said
"I agree. I like to watch them because I feel like they stars are our past loved ones watching over us " said Asta
Draco's eyes lit up with gratitude when she said that, and a soft smile crossed his lips. He glanced at her, his voice softening even more.
"You're completely right. They're like the souls of our ancestors, watching every little move we make.. every decision we make. That's why I love the stars so much. It's why I always look to the sky, because I feel at peace knowing that I'm never alone."
"Exactly! " she says as she looks over at him with a smile watching him for a moment then looks up at the stars
Draco noticed that her gaze was fixed on him, and he looked back over at her. The look of wonder and appreciation in her eyes made him feel a surge of happiness. He smiled, glancing back up at the clear sky above them.
"This is so much better than the fancy feasts thrown at Hogwarts. So much more peaceful. No judgment, just the calmness of the night and the wonder of the stars."
He sighed, his voice low and gentle. His eyes were filled with gratitude when he looked back at her.
"Yes very much so. It's quite easy to leave those feasts " , Her voice was soft and gentle
Draco chuckled
"Exactly, they're rather boring. People always talking and talking, trying to be clever and snarky..."He shrugged.
" It's just not for me. Much prefer this."
He glanced at her again, and his heart fluttered a little bit. His look was soft and genuine.
"Talking to you feels so easy.. like I've known you forever. You're different than anyone I've ever met. Thank you for making this night special."
She smiles with a small light blush
"You're welcome thou I'm not sure what I did to make it special. "
Draco grinned, and his heart fluttered again. He gave her a small wink.
"Well, you're just you. That's what makes this night so special. It's the calm after the storm, the light after the darkness... just spending time with someone truly special."
He paused, his voice lowered in a whisper as he looked back at her. He glanced away, his face blushing a little more." I think you're the most charming and beautiful person I've ever met." He said
Her face went red when he said those things to her.
"I think your special to. Your quiet charming yourself " she said
Draco blushed a little more when she called him charming, the color rising from his cheeks to the tip of his ears. He smiled, a new confidence filling his soul.
" I wish everyone thought that way. But at the end of the day, I only care about your opinions."
He glanced back at the sky, the look in his eyes almost one of wonderment.
"I'd rather spend time with you than anybody else. The stars, the night air, and my beautiful friend. That's what makes this night so special."
She smiles looking at him she felt happy he thought that way
She looks up at the sky then back at him
"Being with you is very special to me , thou we just meet it feels thou I've known you my whole life, it makes everything better with you here "
The reason they felt like they knew each other for so long was because they did but they didn't remember because they were only five when Lucius Malfoy and her Father Killian Park had been friends so they got to be friends but after her parents death when she was younger she was sent to live far away living with her only relative her Grandfather.
Draco smiled, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He extended his hand and placed it on her arm.
" I completely agree. It really does feel as though we've known each other for a long time. I'm glad we got the chance to sit together tonight"
He paused, glancing around. His voice was low, almost intimate
"You see.. tonight was the first chance I've ever had to be vulnerable around someone, I guess that's why it feels so special. It's the first time I've ever let my walls down."
She smiles lovingly at him with her golden eyes as they had a sparkle like that of a star as she looks at him
"I'm glad you feel happy and loved and free " she said .
A surge of gratitude came over him as her words sunk in. His face flushed red, his eyes filled with emotion as he smiled
" I.. I don't even know what to say."
He glanced away, his voice filled with sincerity.
" It's like my whole life led to this moment. I've never felt so much happiness before. It's like.. like I found the one good thing in this world, and you helped me come to that realization. I.. thank you so much, Asta. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for" said Draco.
She just smiled knowing he was truly happy for the first time in his life and possibly feeling loved as well something he probably never felt before.
"Happy and loved" she said in a soft gentle tone as her hand went his hand on her face.
The feeling of her hand on his face was the most intimate thing he had ever felt in his life. He felt his heart swelling to fill with love, and his breath became shaky. He glanced back at her, his gray eyes wide with wonder.
" Happy.. and loved. Two words I've always longed to hear from someone. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, like all the hate and darkness of my past have faded away. I feel so.. so free now." He said
She smiles lovingly at him with her golden eyes as they had a sparkle like that of a star as she looks at him
"I'm glad you feel loved and free " she said
A surge of gratitude came over him as her words sunk in. His face flushed red, his eyes filled with emotion as he smiled.
"I.. I don't even know what to say."
He glanced away, his voice filled with sincerity.
" It's like my whole life led to this moment. I've never felt so much happiness before. It's like.. like I found the one good thing in this world, and you helped me come to that realization. I.. thank you so much, Asta. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for."
"Your welcome" she said smiling at him
For a few moments, they sat in silence, a comfortable silence. They watched the stars above them, and they seemed to twinkle like diamonds in the sky. His chest felt almost.. light. It was a strange feeling, like a weight had been taken off of him.
" I don't want to leave you, it's like I could sit here for hours on end, simply enjoying your presence. If only we had more time together. Don't you wish there were more hours in the day?"
His words were almost dreamlike, poetic almost.
"I do wish there was more hours so we could spend more time together",said Asta
Draco's heart fluttered again when she said those words, and his face grew red. He placed his other hand on her cheek, his voice soft and warm.
" How does it feel to have someone care about you so much? To have someone in your life that would give you the moon and the stars, just because."
His gray eyes gazed at her with a look of wonder and adoration that he could barely contain
" I just want to let you know. You matter to me, and you bring me happiness. I want you to know that."
"You mean everything to me , your the most important thing in my life. Im glad i could be your friend. You'll always be loved and cherished and safe", she said her smile growing big as her eyes became like soft cresent moons.
Draco's heart filled with overwhelming emotion when she said those words to him. The corners of his lips turned up in a wide smile, and his eyes were shining with tears. His words were soft and sincere as he looked into her golden eyes.
" You.. you feel that way about me? I've never felt so loved and cherished before. My heart is breaking with joy just thinking about it. You're truly the greatest friend I could ever ask for."
He pulled her into a gentle embrace, his heart swelling as he squeezed her tightly.

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