CHAPTER FOUR- Dress to Impress (Shae)

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   I rolled over, untangling my legs from my twisted bedsheets, reaching for my blaring alarm clock. It read 7:00, September 6. The first day of high school, freshman year. My stomach fluttered with nervousness and excitement. Who knew what I was in for?

   The answer was obvious- of course I knew what I was in for. Mindy told me all about her experience, and judging from our similarities now, mine would go as smoothly as hers. She was popular and was constantly surrounded by her parade of friends, laughter and good times. I was popular and had my elite group of friends, and we all laughed and had memorable days together. Namely, six days ago. My birthday party.

   Rubbing my eyes, I made my way to my washroom, flicking on the fluorescent lights.  Time to primp myself up for today. I was determined to look my best, to establish myself as a solid part of the group to everyone in the school, to fit in... and for one person especially. 

   I dabbed on some foundation and smeared on dark green eyeliner expertly. I chuckled to myself as I remembered how much I blinked when Mindy first applied eyeliner on me. It was almost a year ago. So much has changed, and I liked the feeling of this change. I smiled to my reflection, liking how nice my teeth looked now that my retainers were off. 

   In an hour of hard work to my face, I dressed in my new outfit for school I picked out the week before; high waisted shorts and a sleeveless chiffon button up. It was originally a blue tank, but Jared mentioned a couple nights ago that he liked a black top on me, black suited me. So I changed it last minute.

   It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. Ha. Ha. We were only friends, but he was pretty cute, and most down to earth than any of my other guy friends, and he could pull off being in the debate team. Otherwise nerdy clubs were just not accepted in our group, but I don't know. Jared was just cool, and I admired that. He's also brutally honest. At the party when we were lounging in my backyard by ourselves, he told me some really personal things about himself. Like how his mom had left him and his dad when Jared was just seven, and he was still angry and missed her at times. I felt so sad for him, and at the same time really proud he could trust me with something like that. He even admitted he never told that to any of his guy friends, not even Mike, Cecilia's boyfriend and his best friend. 

   So, after that, I guess I fell in like with him. He was always really sweet to me, and a couple of my girls even slipped that we would be cute. 

   I checked the clock. It was 8:15, and the bell rang at 8:25. At the rate I was moving, I'd be almost fashionably late. It was a good thing I lived close to the school, because my mother told me she wouldn't be driving me to school anymore.

   I double checked my room, scanning for any object I should be taking with me that I forgot. Cell phone? Check. Keys? Check. Fruity body spray? Check. Emergency make up bag? Double check. I was ready to go.

*   *   *

   "Victoria!" I smiled.

   "Aw, Shae! You look so cute," Victoria replied, opening her arms for a hug.

   I laughed. "That's you, m'dear friend," I said breezily. Pulling apart, I shoved my timetable from my back pocket and crinkled it open. "What classes do you have?"

   Victoria's eyes lightened up. She jabbed at third and fourth period. "We have the afternoon together. Cecilia's in third with us- Geography."

   "Good," I said, relieved to have someone to sit with. I knew for a fact that Mike was in Geography, too, so of course Cecilia would sit with him instead of us. "Geography is bound to be the most boring class."

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