CHAPTER SIX- Hazy Summer Days (Shae)

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  Six months later...

   It was an August night when I finally realized what was happening. What was so very, very wrong and scary. How did I not come to terms with it before?

   Earlier that evening, Jared picked me up from my house- as usual. I was listening to my secret stash of classical music again, silently enjoying my moment of complete harmony with the music. I had spent the whole day by myself (again), surfing movies on the Internet and fussing over my light freckles. I wasn't even tan enough this summer to mask my freckles for just a little while. Oh well.

   The particular piece I was listening to was Vivaldi's most famous works- The Four Seasons. I loved them, and listening to them reminded me of happier times. The memories were blurred, but I distinctly remember Liam giving this to me in sixth grade for my birthday. He knew I loved violin, no matter how much I complained about playing it.- though nowadays it was locked up in its case, collecting dust somewhere under my bed. 

   So I was enjoying my moments of peace when the annoying doorbell rang. My eyes snapped open. My phone read 4:30 PM. Jared was earlier than normal, I noted.

   Quickly changing my clothes and dabbing on some make up, I grabbed my cell phone and ran down the stairs, throwing open the front door. "Sorry," I breathed, "I didn't know you were picking  me up this early." I hugged him quickly.

   He chuckled a bit. "Well, here I am. I couldn't wait to hang out with you tonight." 

   I cringed a little inside. "Jared, we see each other almost daily," I replied, mustering a smile. 

   "What, is that too much for you?" Jared asked. He seemed a little defensive. 

   I shook my head a couple times. "No, no way, babe. I love seeing you," I assured him. He smiled. 

   "That's my girl. And your parents aren't home, right?" 

   I rolled my eyes. "Since when are they ever home? They're always working. You know that."

   Jared put his hands up. "Yeah, I do, I do. But you can never be too sure. I thought we could chill at your place today for a change, that's all." His eyes were hopeful and very brown in the late sun.

   I pecked him on his cheek, saying, "Of course, babe. Whatever you want." He sauntered inside, knowing his way around the house.

   Whatever you want, babe.

*   *   *   *   *

   We were lying on the couch, watching a movie about princesses and true love. It was for little kids, but nothing else was on. Our TV channels were a bit limited, seeing as no one but I use the TV anymore in my house. Suddenly, Jared sighed loudly. 

   "This is so boring, Shae. No offense intended," he declared. 

   So, okay, even though the movie was silly, I still loved it. I still had a thing for princess movies and happy endings since when I was six, alright? So I couldn't help but be slightly offended when Jared had called it "boring".

   I shrugged, acting as if I didn't care. "Yeah, I guess. But we don't really have anything else to watch."


   "So what?"

   "Let's do something else. We don't have to watch any boring crap when we can do whatever we want."

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