CHAPTER SEVEN- Fresh Start as a Freshman

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   I fumbled into my pocket for the map of the school. I was glad I kept it, because this high school was huge, and I was lost in it.

   Great start.

   I scanned over the wrinkly sheet for Room 112. It was music class, instrumental. I wondered if Shaelynn would be there, and then I remembered who she turned into, and that we weren't friends anymore. I brushed the thought away; I wasted too much time on her, and I wasn't about to waste a minute more. 

   I studied the map safely on the side of the hallway so that none of the seniors would squash me. Not that they could do so easily; I grew a couple inches over the summer, but I was nervous. I expected high school to be better than eighth grade, and now I would finally know.

   Over the summer, I worked really hard to get over Shaelynn. I don't know why I didn't see it coming, but I was left in the dust and had to clean myself off. I put away all our pictures, souvenirs, tiny trinkets and secret notes in a closet to collect dust, and I pushed away all sympathetic feelings and good fuzzy memories to the back of my mind. No way was I going to crawl back to her in high school.

   For, like, a day, I childishly considered bulking up and being a torment to her in high school, but I decided I was being stupid and I needed to stay light and speedy for soccer. I planned to just ignore her and her friends and just try to enjoy myself in ninth grade. I owed it to myself, and to show her.

   So yeah. That was the freshman year objective for myself in a nutshell.  I gave myself  bunch of pep talks to get out of my shell and talk to people, and I tried to remember them.

   I ended up in Room 112 eventually, with just seconds to spare till the bell rang. I quickly took a seat in the middle row. Too far back, and I would be stuck with the idiots. Too far up, I couldn't talk to anyone properly.

   There were a bunch of guys where I was sitting, and they seemed decent. Decent, meaning they didn't look like they bought anything too flashy for school, and weren't making a big deal out of things. Most of the class looked decent, to be honest. After all, it's not like popular kids usually took instrumental music out of their own desire, so I figured this class would probably be alright. 

   The guys I was sitting next to seemed kind of normal but subtly peculiar as well. They didn't seem very close, but they only looked like buds who hung out occasionally. It was easier to make friends when the group you were talking to weren't close already.

   I concentrated on looking normal and didn't fidget. I was determined to start off this year talking to someone I could be friends with. For myself. I decided that this was my year to really enjoy myself.

*   *   *

   "Liam? Is that you?" my mom called from the living room. 

   "Who else?" I asked, walking in. I sat next to her.

   Mom gave me her don't-get-smart-with-me look.  "I mean, yeah, Mom, it's me."

   "How was your day?" she asked, a little tentatively. I knew she was hoping school would be a success this time. 

   I thought for a second. I said casually, "You know, it was actually alright. Classes seem okay."

   She looked happy but tried to hide it, but I knew her too well. "Oh, that's good. That's good." She got up to the kitchen, saying, "Let me get you a drink."

   I trailed behind her, and suddenly I felt exhausted. I yawned.

   Mom glanced at me, quizzical. "Tired already?" 

   I shrugged. "I guess so. The day's been long," I said stretching. My bed would be awesome right about now.

   She set a cup in front of me and a second for herself. It was green tea, which I personally find nasty, but Mom was going through a green tea phase and I didn't have the heart to tell her that Dad and I hate it. I took a tiny sip, trying not to grimace. "Thanks."

   Mom smiled. "Thinking about joining any teams or clubs this year?" she asked, taking a hearty gulp. 

   "Uh, yeah. Soccer and orchestra for sure, maybe yearbook. Not sure, but you know."

   "Mmm. Okay. Anybody joining with you?" 

   I sighed. She was trying to "ease" me into the topic of friends, but I didn't take offense. She wouldn't have to do this for long, anyway. "I sit with some guys in music, and they actually seem alright. We're sort of friends," I said, and I could see my mom's curiousity in them. "For soccer, though, I don't know. I guess we'll see."

   "Good to hear," she said, lifting her cup to her lips. 

   "...Thanks." I wasn't quite sure what to say, because my mom was staring at me weird and I just wanted to sleep. She changed the subject, talking about her old days in high school and some stories I've heard already, but I listened anyway. My mom and dad had only me to be their kid for them, so I learned to be sensitive in listening skills. When she was silent, just sipping the last drops of her drink, I got up.

   "I guess I'll go take a nap or something."

   "Mhm. Good talk," she murmured, apparently deep in thought.

   "Yep... bye." I high tailed it out of there before she remembered I wasn't nearly done drinking the gross tea. 

   I lay in bed, thinking about the day and listening to music. It was pretty good, and I didn't feel uncomfortable around the people I interacted with today. The atmosphere felt different, like no one really cared what the other groups were doing, because they were just doing their own thing. I guess people really come out of their shells in high school.

   I fell asleep quickly, with some sense of accomplishment, but the last thought that ran through my mind, so quickly I didn't even recall thinking it when I woke up two hours later, was wondering about how Shaelynn's first day went without me.


Well... I havent uploaded in a while.. and it's a short chapter... Been so sidetracked with school and everything; whoops. 

Anywhooooo, I hope you liked returning to Liam's POV for this chapter! this story may seem slow, but one thing I do as a writer is set a back story and a firm setting, which takes even long for two points of views! be patient with me, the good stuff is for sure coming quickly.

Please vote, comment, share, anything if you like this chapter! any feedback is greatly appreciated as an aspiring writer.

thanks for reading! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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