The Supernova

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Your POV

You and Tsukasa had been childhood friends forever. He told you everything, he wanted to be a star, about his sister's illness, he told you everything. He let you see every show for free and sometimes let you help when you wanted to. He was a ball of sunshine.

It felt like you had met him way before you were friends.The two of you had clicked instantly. But lately. You noticed something quite different about Tsukasa, you noticed he was more down in the dumps. He wasn't smiling as much. He seemed more depressed about his sister. About his friends. You hated seeing him that way. He even stopped showing up at school…

You had to do something. It was Wednesday and he still hadn't come to school. You got up, got into your uniform and ran to Tsukasa's house..

You made it to Tsukasa's house. You knocked on the front door. No reply. You sighed and opened the front door. To your surprise, it was unlocked. You walked inside and headed up to Tsukasa's room.

You knocked on his door. No reply again. "Tsukasa?" You asked and knocked again. Nothing. (Oh god.. is he okay?—) you wondered. Knocking once more. "Tsukasa I'm coming in.." you said. You slowly opened the door…

Tsukasa was sitting at his desk asleep. (Huh?— he's asleep at his desk, silly) you silently giggled. Shaking him awake. "Tsukasa-Kun! Wakey wakey, come on you have to go to school today."

He groaned, "No, go awayyy"

"Oh come on! Get up and get ready, I miss you Tsukasa-Kun! Put your uniform on and get to school! I'll pay for some breakfast there for you!" You smiled warmly at him.

He nodded at you, "Yeah- actually you know what, why not!! Meet me outside so we can leave to head to school!!" He smiled at you back. You nodded leaving his room. Closing the door behind you. You went outside and waited for him.

Finally Tsukasa came out of his house and you and him walked to school.

The school day was as slow as ever. Boring classes and all, you just drew random doodles all over your notes because you really didn't wanna pay attention. It went slow but fast at the same time. It was almost the end of the day when you got a phone call from Saki. You tried to dismiss yourself from class but the teacher didn't let you.

You were worried because Saki never really calls you, and it could have been important. You sigh, now more worried than ever. But the bell rang quite quickly.

You dashed out of your seat and ran immediately to Tsukasa's class, hoping he was still there.

You made it to his class but he wasn't there. You prayed he was okay, on the way out you ran into Rui. "Oh uh hey Rui- what's up?"

"Not much. What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing- have you seen Tsukasa?" You asked. Having a concerned look on your face, deeply worried about your friend.

Rui nodded, "Yeah, he headed off to the park with Nene early, I had to work on some projects for an upcoming show."

You smiled warmly at him, "That sounds great!! You should really show me how you make robots and stuff Rui! I'd love to see it!"

He chuckled, "One day. Well you should head off and find Tsukasa."

You nodded, bidding him a farewell and making your way over to Phoenix Wonderland.

After what seemed like centuries, you made it there. You ran to the Wonder Stage and saw Tsukasa, Nene and Emu practising. Emu ran over to you and greeted you, "Wonderhoy!!" She screamed.

You giggled, "Hi Emu!! nice to see you again!"

Nene walked over too, giving you a small wave, "Hi,," she said shyly

"Hi Nene! Nice to see you again too! How have you guys been?" You asked.

Emu nodded, "We've all been super great! We're practicing our first official show for tonight!"

You smiled, "I can't wait to see it!!"

Emu smiled again, going back over to the stage with Nene to practice. Tsukasa saw you and walked over. "Hey, I'm sorry I left school without telling you, I left early today to practice!!"

You smiled at him, "It's okay! Don't apologise, Rui told me where you were anyways so I'm glad I found you."

He nodded. Walking back over to practice.

Time passed and soon they were ready to perform. But Tsukasa had told you to go home and not watch the show. You didn't question him and went along with it. You tried to reason but he wouldn't give up.

You got home and immediately fell onto your bed. Drifting into a deep sleep…

The next day rolled by. You woke up still in your uniform, you sighed, not bothering to change your clothes. You got up and checked your phone, you got a message from Tsukasa's mum. You sighed, you didn't really wanna read it right now. You packed your bag and walked to Tsukasa's house.

You made it to his house and opened the front door immediately. You walked to Tsukasa's room and knocked on the door.  You felt a sense of deja vu but it was uncomfortably tense. You knocked again. No response. You got nervous. More nervous than yesterday. Something was off. You slowly opened the door…

In front of you, was something you thought you'd never see. Tsukasa had hung himself from his ceiling. You were in shock. Everything was turning grey, you felt numb and empty, you saw your best friend hanging from the ceiling. You stood there in shock. You didn't know what to do. You were scared. Shivers ran down your spine. It felt like a ghost walked through you. You screamed out and started crying your heart out. You tried to shake him awake but he was too far gone.

You looked at his desk, there were papers all over it. Many of the papers said "You'll never be a star" all over them. Written in purple. But one paper stuck out from the rest of them. It said…

"I love you."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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