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Ahana was in the kitchen preparing dinner for her and Kait, when she felt something off. She was feeling  uneasy since morning for no reason. Or maybe there was, she just didn't know. She prayed to God several times since morning so that there would be no more trouble in her loved ones' life. She shook off the uneasiness and tried to concentrate on the cooking. Just then, the calling bell rang. Multiple times. Impatiently.   

"Coming!" She replied while running to open the door hurriedly. A worried and exhausted Kait was on the door. Aahana too got a bit worried, but asked her anyways.

"What happened?" 

Kait pushed her inside, closing the door and informed her. 

"Mr. Matthew is in the hospital. He has gotten a heart attack in the morning and gone under an extreme complicated surgery." 

She flopped to their couch and drank the water from the bottle placed on coffee table.

"WHAT?!" Aahana almost yelled at her best friend while standing in front of her, " And you're telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me before? I would've gone to meet him. Oh wait!" She looked at the clock hanging on the opposite wall of the couch. "It's still not late. I'm going to change, then we'll go to meet him."

Aahana was going towards her room, when Kait stopped her by saying, "You can't meet him."

"Why?" Aahana turned around with a questioning look.

A huge sigh released from Kait's mouth. 

"As I said, he had a huge heart surgery. He's still in the ICU for monitoring. Tomorrow he'll be placed into VIP room for his staying. You can meet him tomorrow."  She concluded.

"And how did you know all of this? Did you  go there?" Aahana asked.

Kait shook her head. "No. From our Head of the Department. Nick came to the office at afternoon and called for an emergency meeting with all the Department Heads and informed them the situation. I guess he will take 2-3 days off, that's why he told them to take care of the company or so. By the way, after he went out, the Heads of the different departments were talking about hospital visit and congratulate him for the successful surgery. That's what I listened. Oh right! I forgot to tell you something..." 

"What?" Aahana already sat down beside her best friend.

"I was keeping an eye on Amy's cabin when I saw Nick entered that cabin without knocking. His expression was stern with clenched jaws, almost scary looking. I thought of eavesdropping and was going to, when I saw the minions or so called fans of Amy came out of her cabin and whispering themselves. I thought that they must be talking some serious stuff as Nick looked really scary. I stood up for spying, but my mentor came in that exact time and gave me an important works, so I could not." She pouted a little, "I was trying to complete the work as soon as possible, when I saw Nick came out of that cabin and went to his own cabin to call for the meeting. I couldn't read his expression though when he came out of Amy's cabin. So after completing my task, I thought of asking him in a way or another, but until that time, he already went back. That's when I heard the Department Heads." She finished off and took a gulp of water again. 

Aahana got lost in her own thoughts after hearing it. Nick's expression was scary and stern? She never saw his scary side. Angry side, yes. But what Kait was saying those weren't just his angry expression. Must be happened something. She was going to her room when a burnt smell came to her nose. 

"Oh shit!" Aahana cursed and darted to kitchen to turn off the gas. She  quickly opened the lid of the pot and saw that the water in the curry had dried up and was starting to burn. She quickly poured the unburnt curry into another bowl and tasted it to make sure the curry was edible.  

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