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After the lunch in the office, Nick and Aahana became good friends. They hang out together sometimes after work, since Aahana was no more Nick's secretary and went back to her real job. One a Saturday evening, when they were hanging out in a cafe, she remembered to ask him about the anklet, so she did. Nick answered her, "Oh that. I found that at the masquerade party when I came back with a glass of water to give her.... Oh, Aahana, do you know the 'Lady in Golden'? "

Aahana was taking a sip on her cold coffee, hearing the question she asked in amusement, "What? 'Lady in Golden'? Who was she?"

Nick explained, "That lady, who wore Golden dress with a golden mask at the black themed masquerade party, which you planned. Everyone wore black except that lady. What a lovely view that was!!! Remember?"

She was starting to get another sip of her coffee, hearing the description of 'Lady in Golden', she stiffed in her position for a moment. "No.", she managed to say, then immediately said, "I don't know any Lady in Golden. I wasn't even at the party."

"Then how's your anklet was there?", Nick asked curiously.

"Uh.. um... that..", she stammered a bit, then said, "I was in that hall in the morning of the party to check the party preparations, so maybe then I lost my anklet."

Nick never saw Aahana to stammer before,so he was little bit of surprise, but he drove out the thought. He said naturally, "That's must be happened. But why didn't you were at the party? I also remember I asked my father to introduce me to you."

"What?", she laughed at him, "Why did you want to meet with me?"

He casually said, "Before the party, dad asked me to go to the party, but I didn't want to go, 'cause every year there were the same people, same boring stuffs, same boring music and all. So, I didn't want to go. But when he said that there was something different that time and how he praised about you, I thought to meet you and see myself what you look like."

"Oh.... so, you had had your ego high, even when you didn't meet me. That's something!!!"

"No, it wasn't totally the ego, that I had. I think there was some jealousy."

Aahana frowned her brows, "Jealousy? Of me?But why? You didn't even know me then...."

"That's the reason.", he sighed, "Let me get out of the list, Dad never praised anybody before, nor that I heard. And then some girl popped in the frame and was praised by him. It just clicked me, 'why not me?' I'm his son.

                  You know, I was good at drawing and studies in childhood. I was waiting for him late everyday to show my accomplishments in the school. But everyday I had been slept till the time he got home. Also, I sensed that there was some tension between my mum and dad, they started to ignore each other, barely talk to each other in front me. 

                         Then,one day, specifically to say, one night, I woke up by some noise. At first I didn't understand what the noise was. Then I saw my parents were fighting over mum's affair, they were screaming each other, talking bad mouth about each other...... they even didn't realize that I might be woken up. I was so afraid of their screaming that I was trembling all night under the cover." Nick's eyes were horrified to remember that night. Also, his voice cracked with so much emotion that Aahana felt the emotions in which Nick went through. She took his hand which was trembling and squeezed it with a reassurance.  

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