Chapter 1

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There were at least 20 reasons for Theo to be pissed off, more if he counted all the dents in his bruised ego, but the dishonor of the biggest thorn in his side went to:

1. This pretentious school filled with certified royal brats from Beacon Hills.

2. Probation limited his choice to this place or prison, more like this hell or that hell.

3. His roommate.

He showed up late to campus on move-in day, true to his devil may care ways. When he got to his dorm, there was one guy standing in the middle of the room, and another guy lying in the bed on the left—or rather, the shape of one, covered under a blue blanket with only a few tufts of brown hair spilling onto the pillow.

Two people was already two people too many for Theo's liking.

He adjusted his bag on his shoulder rougher than necessary, making his presence known and the boy that was standing turned to greet him.

"Hey, I'm Mason," he smiled a bit too warmly, sticking out his hand to shake, "You're Theo, the new lacrosse player, right?"

Too many words for Theo's liking.

"Sounds right," he mumbled dryly and side-stepped the offered hand, then went over to the empty bed and threw his stuff down.

"This is your roommate, by the way." Mason waved his rejected hand over the lumpy rock on the bed. "Liam, you wanna say hi?"

Some kind of incoherent noise muffled by the sheets was the response.

Theo blinked and turned away. This was already too much social interaction for barely one minute into this hell hole. He carried on unpacking his stuff, not interested in 'Mason' or his grumbling pet rock.

"Well, um..." he spoke to Theo's back. "Dude's kinda on some heavy meds right now, so he's gonna be in and out for a while. Don't mind him."

Theo glanced over to the nightstand on the left side of the room, noting the array of multiple pill bottles as Mason was putting them away inside the drawer. Great. Some kind of basket case for a roommate. Maybe violating his probation and risking prison wouldn't be so bad, if it freed him from Beacon Hills.

"Colorful cocktail," he commented wryly.

"All prescribed. Doctor's orders." Mason explained hesitantly, as if Theo would snitch or something if they were street candy.

Please. He should be thankful Theo wasn't as reckless as he was a few years ago. Back when he was running things for Peter in West Beacon, Past-Theo would steal them, jack up the price, and sell them for 30 bucks a pop to the rich brats at this school. Now he was this watered down version, like some old fuck in a retirement home.

"Not my business." Theo's tone was neutral, relaying the message that he wasn't interested in whatever type of nutcase tree his 'roommate' fell from and hit every branch on the way down.

"Well, don't worry about waking him, he could sleep through the apocalypse, seriously." Too many words for Theo's liking. "I'll check on him later. He gave me his key for now, if that's cool with you."

Way way way too many words.

"Yeah whatever."

Theo mumbled and Mason took that as his cue to leave.


So the Mason guy was right, this 'Liam' was like one of those little seven dwarf fuckers... Dopey, but like actually doped up.

He slept through the entire time it took for Theo to put away his stuff. Not that it took very long. Theo didn't have many things and neither did his 'roommate', apart from a guitar and giant speaker that would probably be annoying Theo very soon. Even when Theo let out a cursing shitstorm because he smashed his damn finger moving his desk around, Dopey didn't budge.

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