Chapter 13

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"Didn't know you were such a charmer, Westside," Liam flipped his messy hair out of his eyes with a coy smirk, "Been holdin' out on me."

Theo fought the blush that had been spreading down his neck since they left the apartment, dropped by the dorm to change clothes, then hopped in his truck and came to the mall, "Cream your pants about it later, Dunbar, just pick a color."

Not for the first time, Theo found himself in a place with a putrid stench he would probably need fucking surgery to get out of his nose.

No, he wasn't 'handling business' in the West Beacon sewers again (legally, Theo pleads the fifth to any questions). This time, by whatever twisted sense of humor the universe possessed, he was spending his Saturday basking in the scent of brain-melting chemicals at the nail salon with Liam Dunbar— Who's idea? Theo pleads the fifth to that too.

Liam nudged Theo with his hip as he picked 2 polishes and held them up, "Which color?"

Theo's past bitter response to the same question taunted his mind but he ignored it, saying now what he should've said then, "The blue."

Liam grinned, putting the other back before going to the open salon chair, calling out behind him, "Hope you brought your wallet. Getting a design too. M'not a cheap date."

Theo rolled his eyes, willing away the warmth flushing down his chest. This was two... somethings doing something, big difference from a date. Despite being wary that everything would be different now outside the apartment where things were said that couldn't be unsaid, and things were done that couldn't be undone, somehow it still felt the same.

They fell back into flow, fell back into them so damn gracefully, it couldn't even be called falling.

Theo took a seat in the waiting area, pretending the smell of chemicals wasn't dissolving his brain. Though Liam occasionally glanced his way with a stupidly happy smirk, so maybe it wasn't just the chemicals melting him.

He watched as Liam flipped through three magazines. While also nodding along to music on his Airpods, and simultaneously carrying a conversation with the lady painting his nails, along with every other lady there, in his half-flirty Liam way. Close to scoring himself plenty of actual dates, even wearing a painfully hipster denim jacket with bright floral patches running down the collar.

Theo shook his head, slightly bemused, thinking there was enough to fill volumes on the List of Weird Shit About Liam Dunbar. However, what was currently unfolding in front of him was a clear reminder why he started that list in the first place.

1. Liam was always doing at least 12 things at once.

As exhausting as it was to watch, Theo didn't mind so much anymore, admiring the disaster of a boy radiating like a plasma ball of energy.

When Liam was finished, Theo knew fuck-all about manicures, but just seeing the color restored, along with the familiar silver pinky ring, looked pretty damn perfect to him, even though he felt a stab at the bruises still marring Liam's knuckles. There was a dainty white flower dotting his pinkies, maybe daisies... or lilies. Theo flushed with warmth either way, recognizing the unruly blue shade painted underneath.

"You're up, Twenty-Two." A sly smirk slid onto Liam's lips, pulling Theo over to the polish rack.

"Hilarious, Dunbar," Theo huffed a bone-dry laugh.

Liam grabbed what looked like Powerpuff Girl vomit in a bottle, reading the shade name, "What about Hell Yeah Hot Pink?"

"What about Fuck No Yellow?"

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