Chapter 2

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Things didn't get any better over the next couple of weeks.

Theo spent more time with Tracy and at the library, because things in his dorm were full of silent tension and unspoken aggression. That was probably due to the fact that Theo was fantasizing about punching Liam repeatedly while he slept.

Now that his roommate had awakened, it was like some ancient curse unleashed pure hell into their dorm. The music constantly blaring from his speaker and his ear-grating guitar sessions were absolute torture. Theo's eyes were suffering from his obnoxiously colored posters, and the messy tornado that seemed to follow him around. Not that Theo was a damn maid, but he'd rather not live in a room piled to the ceiling with gym socks and banana peels, so he begrudgingly cleaned up after the little shit.

However, the worst evil inflicted on Theo by The Roommate Curse was Liam's scourge of annoying friends.

It was endless. "This is Corey, Mason's boyfriend." "This is Nolan, no one's boyfriend." "This is Brett, everyone's boyfriend." They all came with too many personalities and too many annoying attempts to try and get to know him.

Mason was somewhat tolerable, because they avoided each other, even in the classes where Theo's biology major crossed with Mason's something-slightly-fancier-than-biology major. Then Corey, simply because he always smelled faintly like weed since his family owned half the pot farms in California. Then Hayden, because Tracy's ever-present death glare toward her was mildly amusing.

Last place were Liam's not-so-discreet hookups. Theo almost got an overly generous view of the Violet chick that had been hanging around because Liam was fucking terrible at using the door-sock system. Dead last, scrapping the bottom of the trash barrel, was Talbot, who was hellbent on hazing Theo, but Theo wasn't some freshman that he could lock in a cage and pelt with lacrosse balls.

Meanwhile, Liam was still giving Theo hell in practice. Making him run extra drills, letting the team bulldoze him, and Coach allowed it because he kissed the ground Liam walked on.

Theo was just the stupid new guy who unknowingly called the team captain shitty to the captain. In hindsight, he should have called Liam a fucking dick too—and maybe smothered him with a pillow when he had the chance. The asshole wanted Theo to quit the team, lose his scholarship and get kicked out of school.

After their first game, Theo had enough.

Captain D-Bag Dunbar decided to stop being a prick and play the game with Theo, unlike in practices when he used him as a punching bag. Guess what else?

They played spectacular together.

They were unstoppable, won by a landslide, and it absolutely pissed Theo off.

He stormed into the locker room after the game, ripped his helmet off and marched right up to where the team was huddled and celebrating.

Liam was grinning, cheering and jumping around, and Theo was absolutely fuming. He shoved his way through the crowd and when he reached Liam, the little shit had the audacity to look happy to see him. Theo quickly lashed out, smashing his fist directly into Liam's smug face, knocking him to the ground.

"The hell was that, Dunbar?" Theo hissed as Brett and Gabe grabbed him and held him back.

Liam was helped up by another couple of players, cradling his jaw.

"You're a dead man, Raeken," Brett warned as he and Gabe slammed Theo against the wall.

"Let him go." Liam ordered, and Brett and Gabe looked confused but they complied, releasing Theo and he immediately went over to Liam.

Inglorious RoomatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora