Chapter 2: Delia

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I keep my head down as I walk out of my visual arts class and make my way to my dorm, which I thankfully have to myself. Having to talk to strangers everyday already shoots my anxiety through the roof. The idea of sharing a room with someone I know nothing about would probably send me into cardiac arrest.

Once I step into my quiet dormitory, I set my bag down on the floor near my bed and shuffle towards my desk to look over my calendar. As soon as my eyes set on the computer app, a sense of loneliness washes over me when I see the only things that filled the month of September were work, school, therapy and the dinner at my brother's house in a few weeks. 

And the award for the biggest loser goes to...

I rub my face in frustration as more negative thoughts cloud my mind but thankfully the loud blaring of my phone ringing takes my attention away before I can start feeling sorry for myself about my lack of social life. I push myself off the rickety chair and quickly grab my phone from my bag. A smile brightens my face when I see that it's my mother calling and I tap the green button before bringing the device to my ear. "Hey, mama."

"Delia! Hi! How was class?"

"It was fine, a little boring but fine. How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine. Work has been crazy busy the last couple of weeks, which is okay with me because that makes the days go by quicker." she sighs. " I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. It feels like forever since we've spoken."

My smile morphs into a sad grimace while I nod in agreement, even though she can't see me. She's right, we havent spoken in a while and I'm now realizing that I need to make more time for her. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just been busy with school, work and therapy. I haven't had much brain power by the end of the day."

I can hear shuffling on the other line while I wait for a response. "I totally understand, sweetheart. You've got your own life going on, which is amazing. You don't need to apologize." she sighs before continuing. "How is work going?"

"Pretty good. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off, but I work today since I only had one class this morning."

"I'm glad things are going well for you." She tells me in a soft tone.

"I'm still working through my fear of ya know... people, but it is getting better. I'll get there someday." Mom hums quietly but the sadness in her tone tells me exactly what she's thinking about. "Mom, stop. I know what you're thinking and you need to stop. Dan and I are fine. You know I've always had anxiety even before...that. You don't need to worry about me. Okay?"

There's a long pause between us and for a second I think that we lost connections until I hear my mothers sniffle. "I know, baby. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, mama." I whisper, a lump forming in my throat.

"You're welcome, just remember to take a moment every once in a while to breathe."

"I will, I promise."

"You should get yourself to work. My lunch break is almost done anyways. Be good and let me know if you need anything, okay?" She says after a small pause.

I roll my eyes slightly and smile. "Yes, Mom."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I tell her before reluctantly ending the call.

I stare down at the phone in my hand and sigh. Regret fills me for choosing to stay on campus instead of staying with her while I went to school. To be fair, when I started college she was in the middle of selling my childhood home, and at the time I found it more sensible to live here instead of moving to a whole new house that could've been farther away. Even still, my excuses aren't very comforting anymore because the thought of her all alone makes me want to cry all over again. I moved out not long after my brother got married so she never really had time to adjust to living alone.

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