Chapter 4: Delia

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"Well fuck you too!" I scream at my useless piece of shit car, kicking the tire dramatically. I run my fingers through my hair, tugging at the root hard enough to hurt. "As if this day couldn't get any worse." I had woken up late this morning which made me late for class, then I realized that I never got to finish the art assignment for said class because I passed out as soon as I got home from work last night and because of that, my grade dropped nearly two letter grades.
As if that wasn't bad enough, when I went to get changed for work, I fell down the stairs, nearly cracking my skull open.

Okay maybe that was a bit a stretch but there's definitely a bump.

Frustration builds in me like a giant bubble and I feel as if I'm about to burst. I would let Archer know that I'm going to be late, but I forgot to add his number to my phone, and the piece of paper that has his number on it is in my apron at work.

I groan loudly and stomp my foot like a child, not caring about the weird looks that are coming from others around me. I stare at the beat up red honda that my adopted brother gave me before he left for the army and try to think of what to do next. I can't call Mom or Gemma as they are already at work, and I can't call Nina because she lives over an hour away. An irritated grumble escapes my throat as I pull my phone out of my back pocket to make a call. Thankfully it doesn't take them long to answer.

"What's up, Midget?"

I smile, instantly relaxing at the nickname I've had since I was child. "Hey, are you busy by chance?"

"Not really." Dan says mid yawn. "I got ready for work, but then I realized I don't have to be there for another hour. What's up? Are you okay?"

I roll my eyes but smile at the protectiveness in his tone."I'm fine. It's just, I'm really late for work and my car broke down. So... "

"Say no more." He chuckles. "I'll be there in five."

"Ugh, thank you. You're a lifesaver!" I tell him, ending the call.

I puff my cheeks out and glare at the stupid vehicle for another minute, silenting cursing whatever deity had it out for me today. After grumbling a few choice curse words under my breath, I grab my stuff from the backseat and lock all the doors before leaning on the hood to wait for my ride.

No more than five minutes later, I see my brother's shiny black SUV pull up beside me and I let out a sigh of relief as I push myself off the hood of my car to get into his. I open the door, throwing my bag on the floor of the passenger side and settle into the seat. "Hey." I say.

"Hey, kid."

I shoot him a deadpan look as he spins the car around and quickly pulls onto the main road. "I'm only two years younger than you."

"Doesn't matter. I'm older, which makes you a kid forever."

"Hey!" I yell, smacking his arm lightly. "You know, you haven't changed that much. You're still such an ass."

He chuckles and puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm your brother, It's my job."

"Whatever." I mutter and pause for a minute before continuing, picking at my sleeve. "Thank you for giving me a ride today, I really appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it. You know I'm always here when you need me." His words hit me like a sack of bricks and my chest starts to feel heavy. Dan always told me that when we were younger, when things weren't.. okay. No matter how bad things got, he told me that he would always be there for me and would always protect me, no matter the cost.

And he almost lost his life because of that promise four years ago.

Tears begin to cloud my vision as his words continue to repeat in my head, pulling my thoughts deeper and deeper into a gnawing hole of depression, and in that moment, I'm taken back to when I was fifteen and holding onto my brother for dear life as tears streamed down my face because of something he said and all Dan did was hug me and told me everything was going to be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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