- Chapter 1 -

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TW: Swearing, Mention of Rape, Mention of Alcohol/Drinking (Tell me if I missed any!)


[Narrator's POV]

"P-Please, M-Ma-Master! I-I-I didn't m-mean t-too!!..." Roman cried, looking up at Damon. He was on the ground on all fours.

"YOU. BITCH. YOU'RE SO GODDAMN USELESS AND STUPID!" Damon yelled as he hit Roman. It all escalated from there.

By the time that Damon was done with Roman, Roman was crying and begging and pleading for him to stop.

"Ugh...Go get your stupid self cleaned up." Damon said before he went to the kitchen to drink.

Roman crawled to his room, if you could even call it that... The room was nearly empty. The only thing in it was a bed, and it was a dog bed that was pretty thin, but it worked.. Roman crawled over to the bed and laid down, and just sobbed, but did his best to stay quiet, as Damon hated when Roman was loud, and he wasn't causing it.

[An Hour Later]

Roman crawled over to, and peeked out his bedroom door. Damon was passed out drunk on the couch, and Roman saw this as an opportunity to leave for freedom.

Roman managed to get his collar off; It was a orange collar, with a gold tag. He then went out to the living room and saw his master on the couch. He wasn't too worried about waking him up, as he was passed out drunk. Roman managed to drag him to the basement, and searched his pockets for the basement keys, which he found. He quickly ran back up the stairs and as he turned around to close and lock the door, he saw Damon running up the stairs after him. He panickily closed and locked the door, and then heard banging.

"OPEN UP THIS DOOR, NOW, BITCH!" Damon yelled, clearly mad.

Roman quickly ran out the front door, and threw the keys as far as he could. He ran as fast, and as far as he could, which wasn't that fast or far, as he was beat by Damon just an hour to two ago.

Soon enough, he collapsed in someone's yard, extremely tired.

"I-I'm gonna d-die here!.. I-I d-don't wanna d-d-die!!.." Roman thought to himself, but he couldn't even move.

That was the only thought going through his head. He had just escaped to freedom, and he was about to die.

He then heard footsteps starting to approach him, which he assumed was Damon. He was going back to that hell... Damon was going to heal him, just to rape him (..again) then beat him to near death..

At that thought, not wanting to be awake for at least part of it, closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep.

Word Count: 440

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