- Chapter 2 -

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[Narrator's POV]

A few hours later, Roman slowly woke up in a bed, an actual bed. His entire body was sore. He sat up, wincing at the pain going through his whole body. But, to his surprise, there wasn't any new harm done; In fact, it was the total opposite. He was entirely bandaged, and he realized he wasn't in the clothes he was in before. He was in an oversized purple hoodie, and a white skirt (Which he blushed a bit at, but that was the least of his worries).

"Wh..Where am I?.." Roman thought to himself as he looked around the room. He wasn't in Damon's room, that's for sure. 

The room had very pastel blue walls, and white fairy lights on all four 'edges' of the ceiling, and there were many different photos on the walls. The floor was a plain and simple hardwood. The bed had a white sheet, a light blue comforter, and different colored pillows, along with a few different stuffed animals, and there was a medium-sized white rug under the bed. There was a white bedside table with a drawer, and a space underneath. On the top was a lamp with a white lampshade and a light purple base, along with a book of some kind, and a light pink alarm clock. In the space beneath, there was a dark blue camera, a jar of different candies, and a letter. There was a desk across from the bed, with a light blue chair, and there was a selection of different things on the desk. There was a white bookshelf with many different books against the wall that was to the right of the wall that the desk was on. To top it off, there was a large photo of three males, one in a purple jacket, one with a light blue t-shirt and glasses, and the third in a black shirt, dark blue tie, and glasses, on the wall behind the bed. (A/N: I may have cut some stuff out, but just look at how long this is)

After Roman looked around the room, he still didn't know where he was, but he heard talking outside the door. 

After a minute or two, the door started to open, and Roman stared at the door as it opened, with fear in his eyes.

Once the door was open, there stood three males, who were the ones in the photo behind the bed. 

The one on the left was the tallest. He had straight, sleek, dark brown hair, and tan-ish skin. He had simple black square glasses, and he wore a black polo with a dark blue necktie, dark blue jeans being held up with a black belt, and brown shoes.

The one in the middle was the shortest. He had fluffy, light brown hair, and fair skin with freckles. He had circular black glasses, and he was wearing a light blue t-shirt, and it had a white heart outline on the top right corner. He had on light jeans, and light gray shoes.

The one on the right was medium sized in height. He had purple hair, and very pale skin. He was wearing a dark purple shirt, a black hooded jacket (unzipped) with different shades of purple patches sewn on it, black ripped jeans, and purple shoes.

"Oh, you're finally awake" The one in the purple hoodie mumbled.

"Hello! I'm Patton! And this is Logan and Virgil!" The shortest one, or Patton said, excitedly, "What's your name?" He added, as he took a step forward. Roman tensed at Patton taking a step, and Patton noticed and stopped.

"Don't worry..we won't hurt you" Virgil said in attempt to calm the scared neko.

Damon always said that, but then would 'attack', but when Virgil said it, it helped Roman relax. The three walked over and sat next to Roman.

Roman took a deep breath, before speaking, "U-Uhm..I-I'm.." He mumbled, although his voice came out raspy and hoarse, and it hurt to speak, which Roman winced at. Patton noticed this, and quickly went to get Roman some water.

After a minute or so, Patton returned with a glass of water and handed it to Roman.

Roman took it and drank it quickly, while the others watched in shock.

"When was the last time you drank something?!" Patton asked, concerned.

"I-It's been a-a few days.." Roman mumbled. The other three, again, were shocked.

"O-Okay...W-Well.." Patton mumbled, "Could you tell us what your name is, sweetie?" He asked.

Roman slightly nodded before talking, "M-My n-name is Roman.." He said quietly.

Word Count: 745

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