Gone wrong

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3rd person:

Hobie, Gwen, Miguel, Peter B, Spider Noir, Tara, and more, came out of the portal, They see miles if the other side of pavitr and their confused on why pav is lying down. Where's the spot? They all thought confused.

*(Just A Few Moments Earlier)*

Miles Pov:

I finally finished dealing with my prowler self, and was also able to somehow get back to my world. I exit the portal and see the spot! And pavitr! The spots about to smash a rock on pavitrs leg..! I run, faster tham I ever had before.. And I tackled the spot, before he was able to smash the rock on pavitrs leg. I started to punch the spot in the face, and luckily he didn't put up any portals. I think he was too dazed, to remember.

Once he looked out of it completely, he finally remembered, and made a portal to get out of their. I wanted to follow him but I can't. Pavitr is still here, and I didn't even see the condition he's in.

I get off of him while he falls into the portal, going into who knows world.  I go over to pav making sure he's okay. But once I get over there I realized.. he's bloodied... In the face on his arm.. everywhere..! His arm looked terrible. It looked shattered why his face didn't look but better. He had bruises everywhere, same with blood. And it looked like he had a broken, and bloody nose. He was also bleeding from his mouth, and choking in it.

*In the present*

3rd person Pov:

Everyone went over to pavitr to see if he was alright since they can't see him very well from over where they were standing. Once they were close enough to see his face most people stopped and gasped. But Gwen, Hobie, and Peter B ran over to pavitr.

Hobie screamed at pavitr. "Pav! Pavitr! Are you okay?!" Answer me darling! Pav just ended up looking at them while, you can see small tears in his eyes. Gwen, Peter B, and Miles were close to crying. While hobie was surprisingly crying already.

Hobie ended up sitting him up a bit so he wouldn't choke on his blood anymore. But also not enough to where he's in pain sitting against hobie. Hobie screamed at the other "GO GET A DOCTOR MATE!" Spider noir put a portal under Hobie and Pavitr allowing them, including Miles, Gwen, and Peter B to go in the portal which put them right near a hospital still in Miles world.

Pavitr Pov:

I feel like i'm about to black out. I hear hobie crying, and telling me to keep my eyes open. I'm trying to, I really am. But i'm so tired... And I just want to rest for now.. my eyes are lidded, and are slowly closing. Hobie and the other are running into the hospital I think..? Trying to get someone to help me.

The last thing I saw before passing out was hobie crying, and doctors pushing me on some type of cart into a room. I close my eyes, and let the darkness take me. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. But what I know I want is to see all my friends at least one more time.

To be continued!
Words: 560

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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