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When I wake up the next morning I can tell that I maybe drank a little bit too much last night. My stomach has a slight unease to it, one that I'm all too familiar with. My head isn't pounding or anything, it just feels like its shriveled up and hard due to dehydration.

The biggest issue, however, is that someone is in my bed with me. Someone who shouldn't be here. Tony.

He's completely on the other side of my king size bed, wrapped up in the blankets so snug. He's facing away from me so I can't see his face or even tell if he's awake, but judging from his breathing I would say he's still passed out. For a second I want to reach out and touch his messy hair, but that would be too weird.

Instead I slip out of bed trying not to wake him. This is always the worst part. I'm never sure if the person I'm with is a light sleeper or will sleep through everything so I really need to slide out as quietly and quickly as possible.

My regrets grow as I look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. Tony told me he's not that kind of guy. He told me that he likes to date people, he's romantic. He doesn't do random hookups and he doesn't want to, and now here he is in my bed. Theres not a doubt in my mind that I seduced him into it. And then theres the whole Jaime thing. We're supposed to be reconnecting then I go and do this. If he knew he would be so upset. God I fucking hate mornings for this exact reason. They're filled with such regret.

"Good morning." a very sleepy voice says from behind me. His voice is simultaneously both soft and deep in the way that guys voices are when they wake up. Its one of my favourite sounds in the world.

In the mirror I can see Tony's reflection behind mine. He looks like I feel except somehow he still looks peaceful at the same time? What a weird vibe to be able to pull off.

"Hey. Morning." I say quickly realizing that I'm just staring at him.

"Oh I know regrets when I hear them." he says with a sleepy laugh. He leans against the doorframe and it makes me want him still even through the regrets.

"I don't regret it." I mumble, my face warming up.

He grins at me in the mirror, the cockiest I've seen him since we met. "Why so glum then?"

I don't answer him, instead I brush past him and enter the kitchen, pulling two mugs out of the cupboard for us.

"Coffee?" I ask him without turning to see if he's there. I know he is.

"One sugar."

"No cream or anything?"


I turn and give him a look. "Weird."

He laughs and sits down on one of the stools at my kitchen island. "On the road we don't really have all those options for good coffee, I've learned to adapt overtime."

I scrunch up my nose showing that I think its still gross even with a very reasonable explanation.

"Well I take mine with one sugar and just like so much cream." I say trying to fill in the noise so we don't bring up the fact that he was in my bed this morning.

"I'll make sure I remember that." he says. "In fact, I'll make sure I put it in my phone under your contact. But - oh wait, you didn't give me your number." he says dramatically.

I roll my eyes at him. "You didn't give me yours either."

"Get ready to enter it then." he says gesturing to my phone.

I roll my eyes at him again, this time so he knows I'm being dramatic about it. Grabbing my phone from the counter beside me I go to Add Contacts and enter his name, then his coffee order.

One Hundred Sleepless NightsWhere stories live. Discover now