Stone - 7

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"Brother...W-What's happening?"

Dream felt something thick and hard coming from his legs. He look down and he saw his own legs slowly turning into a stone.

"B-Brother- I'm scared!" Dream panicked and he couldn't move his legs. "Hey, you need to stay calm. I'm here... It's gonna be alright." He tried to calm his brother down. "Brother I don't wanna be a stone!" He cried and did not want to be turned into a stone. "It's okay! I'll think of something!" Nightmare said and tried to find a way how to undo this but there is no other way but to wait for 500 years until his brother finally set free from the stone.

"Hey... Dream...look at me." Dream looks at his brother and with tears. "Don't worry Dream... You'll be no longer a stone if I waited 500 years and I promise you that I'll never leave you." He said as he gently pats his brother's skull. " will you know that?" Nightmare could not answer it, that he was actually a human from the in real life creators who knew about Undertale fanfics or aus. It might be risky to tell him that. "I just know it...or just a guess." Dream titled his head and did not understand it but he hoped that he will see his brother again once he's free from stone.

"Brother... Do you promise?" Silence left Nightmare a bit but he answered.

"I promise..." Dream smiled as his brother hugging him. Dream couldn't hug his brother back because of his whole body is now turning into stone.

"I willl miss you brother." He said his last word as he slowly becoming into stone and everything turned black.

While Nightmare, still hugging his brother who turned into a stone, was now a statue. A crying statue with a sad smile. Nightmare teared up and he felt heaviness coming from his soul. He suddenly felt grief and despair. He felt so lonely without his brother.

"I will miss you too, brother..."


Haha short story- TvT

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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