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I was in the office working when knock on my door by Sidney Glass The Daily Mirror's reporter he said "Ms. Swan" I said "Sidney what can I do for you?" he said "How are you doing with the arrival of your sister?" I said "Peachy" he sat down and said "Did you hear that she went to Regina's and took some of her spiced apple cider and drove drunk into our Storybrooke sign" I said "You got to be kidding me seems I have to bail her out of trouble once again" I got up and walked out no doubt bad luck follows my twin sister. I walked into the Sheriff's office where Leroy the town's drunk was in his cell I said "Hello Leroy" he said "Hello sister heard about your party shocking this one here ruined it" I said "Well I'm surprised you weren't there after all you're the life of the party" he said "You're funny sister" Sheriff Graham walked in with a box of bear claws he said "Eva" I said "Graham" he motioned to his office. I sat down and said "So the charges?" he said "Driving drunk, destroyed public property" I said "How much is the bail?" he said "$1500" I said "I understand give me few minutes with her". I walked back out as he let Leroy out Emma said "Evs I wasn't drunk" I said "Tell that to the Storybrooke sign that you demolished, besides Regina makes her apple cider drinks with a kick why were you there?" she said "She offer me to come and drink I guess get to know me" I said "So your bail is $1500 it will take me a few hours to get it but the moment I do you're to leave town and never come back and just be a ghost I'm sure you can reunite with Neal again" I turned to go when she grabbed my wrist she said "I messed up Ems, I threw you away when I shouldn't had and that will haunt me for the rest of my life but let me make this right please" I couldn't show break in my mask as I said "We haven't been sisters since we were 17 you're just someone who shares my blood that's all nothing more". 

I didn't know that Emma got out of jail or the fact that Henry's teacher Ms. Blanchard was the one that did so till I was over at Regina's enjoying an appletini when she showed me The Daily Mirror she said "Sidney digged into your sister's info and I understand why you got custody of Henry because she's a trouble woman" I said "I blame myself" she said "Evs don't you can't control people and their actions" I said "I worked hard just to support us and then she goes and do bad stuff I guess she didn't like being in the shadows" she held my hand and said "Evs you are a kick-ass single mother and businesswoman as well as my bestie who acts like my sister than anything your own sister threw you away like nothing you owe her nothing hell she owes you a lot who knows where her son would end up you did him a favor by taking him in" I said "I just don't know what her agenda is Gina" she said "Well let me find it out in no time I will make sure she gets the boot out of here". I went home seeing Henry already there working on homework he was a smart kid I said "How was school today?" he said "Good, Ms. Blanchard gave me a book today" I said "Oh really? What's it about?" he said "I don't know yet I figure I'll read some of it tonight" I said "Okay, so what do you want to eat tonight?" he said "Surprise me" I said "Very fine then". I went into the kitchen and began cooking as cooking is my stress-reliever and it helps me get my thoughts in-line. I must of blacked out or on auto-pilot as I pulled

the pizza from the oven and the peach cobbler from the fridge along with cool whip I began setting the table and placing glasses of hot chocolate and cinnamon in them our specialty

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the pizza from the oven and the peach cobbler from the fridge along with cool whip I began setting the table and placing glasses of hot chocolate and cinnamon in them our specialty. 


Henry opened up the book that Ms. Blanchard gave him something about hope and happy endings the moment he began reading it he saw the story of Snow White and Prince Charming as well as the prophecy of 'The Savior and The Hope' he couldn't believe it said their

names were Eva and Emma and it couldn't be a coincidence that his birthmom and his mom to have these names and the fact that the entire town of Storybrooke residents were really fairytale characters he was in shock and he knew he had to dig for an...

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names were Eva and Emma and it couldn't be a coincidence that his birthmom and his mom to have these names and the fact that the entire town of Storybrooke residents were really fairytale characters he was in shock and he knew he had to dig for answers and he knew just the person to ask. Emma Swan ran into Mr. Gold he was in the neighborhood for some reason when he said "Hello I'm Mister Gold" she said "Emma Swan" he said "Ah yes Eva's sister such a godsend if I had a daughter she be much like her" she said "You're not the first person to say that all our life many people say that about her let's just add 2001 to the tally board" he said "Ms. Swan I do hope you're stay in Storybrooke is a pleasant one, one would hate to see you cause chaos and darkness here have a good day" as he walked off knowing good and well with her here that the dark curse be weaken and break just need to help it along and what better way than to make a deal. 

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