【•Chapter 2•】

183 11 15

Jungwon's POV
December, 28 1998
3:43 P.M.

He picked up the reciever of his phone, holding it to his ear while he pressed in Jake's phone number. He waited for him to answer, and after a few seconds, Jake picked up.


"Hey, Jake it's me," Jungwon said, curling his finger in the phone's cord.

"YOII!!" Jake said in his aussie accent, causing Jungwon's mood to lift instantly. He smiled his dimple smile and sent a "YOI!" back. They had made that up when they were in kindergarten. They had no idea what it meant, but it stuck with them ever since.

Suddenly, Jungwon heard a yell from Jake and a loud thump afterwards, followed by giggling.

"YAH!" Jake yelled, though it sounded faint to Jungwon.

"Hiii Jungwon!!" a laughing voice shouted into the reciever. It was Sunoo, one of his other best friends. He became friends with Sunoo through Jake, because Sunoo is Jake's roomate. Everytime Jungwon would go see Jake, Sunoo would pop out of his room to say hi. His bubbly personality and sassy demeanor got to Jungwon quickly, and they soon became friends.

"Hey Sunoo!" Jungwon said back, grinning from ear to ear. He was guessing that Sunoo had pushed Jake off of a chair or something to get to the phone. His friends could be doing the stupidest things and could make his day better.

"Give me the-" There was a few moments where he heard Jake's screaming and Sunoo's laughter combined into one.

"Jungwon, do you believe this guy?! He pushed me off my fucking couch." Jake muttered after a few seconds, his voice clear once again.

"OUR couch, actually," Sunoo piped in, earning a "SHUT UP!" from Jake.

Jungwon laughed out loud. Knew it.

"Anyways, what's up?" Jake questioned, and Jungwon's face dropped as he remembered what happened at the bus stop.

"Oh.. yeah. Well I went to go get some cof-" Jungwon was cut off by someone unexpectedly barging into his room, making him jump. Jungwon whipped his head around to look at who came in. It was his sister, Iseul. (A/N: Idk his sister's actual name, so it'll just be this 💀)

"What do you want?" Jungwon asked, annoyed. He took the reciever away from his ear and clutched it to his chest.




She said nothing.

"What?!" Jungwon asked again, firmer.




Once again, nothing. She only stared.

"I swear to God, Iseul, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Jungwon yelled, getting agitated. He heard Jake's voice coming from the reciever but didn't respond to him. He needed to get rid of the pest first.

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