【•Chapter 5•】

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Ni-ki's POV
December 29th, 1998
12:21 A.M.

After staying at Jay's house for most of the day, talking about his newfound crush, Heeseung's party, and other things, he decided to leave and go home. After getting off of the bus, he walked through his neighborhood to his house. He unlocked the door and walked inside. He was met with his older sister, Konon standing in the kitchen eating a sandwich. She looked up and glared.

"Why are you back so late? I've been waiting all night here, Mom was worried!" Konon questioned Ni-ki, putting down her sandwich to cross her arms.

"Why are you up so late?" Ni-ki said back, taking off his boots and coat. He tried to walk past his sister to go upstairs but she blocked him.

"You need to stop avoiding questions, Nik." Konon huffed, annoyance plastered across her face. "Mom told you to be back by 10! It's over 12!"

"I was just hanging out with Jay, okay? You don't have treat me like a kid anymore, Konon." Ni-ki scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Ooh, when Mom gets back in the morning, she's gonna be reeeal mad at you." his sister hissed under her breath, her eyes narrowing.

"Don't let it happen again."

She finally moved out of the way, and Ni-ki raced up the stairs to his bedroom. He looked back down the stairs and saw Konon dialing their mother's phone number in the house phone. Most likely to tell her that he was home now. He sighed and continued up the stairs.

Once he got to his bedroom, he went to his CD player and pressed play. One of Michael Jackson's songs started to play. He then went over to his bed and sprawled out across it. He had lots of things going on in his mind right now.

There was his mother, a stressed single parent who worked overnight. She was almost always working, and was never really able to interact with Ni-ki and Konon as much as she liked. Ni-ki knew that he must've worried her a lot when he wasn't back at the time he was supposed to, and he felt sort of guilty. Konon was right, his mother would be extremely upset with him when she got home in the morning. She probably take up his SNES, or worse, not let him go to Heeseung's party. He could tolerate nor having his console, but not being able to go to his own friend's party would be terrible. That thought alone made him want to rhink of something else.

He then thought of Jungwon. He felt happy when he entered his thoughts. He thought of his hair soft, brown hair, his cat like eyes, and his cute but sassy personality. He found himself smiling as he thought of all of the things he loved about Jungwon.

'Don't forget about what you did to him at the bus stop'

The thought suddenly came to his mind, and hus smile faded. Now, instead of happiness, it was guilt that he felt. He felt terrible about that situation. He knew what he had did to Jungwon wasn't right. He knew that just because he did that, Jungwon probably wouldn't want to get with him. He squirmed uncomfortably because of that thought. He didn't want to think of that. He wished that he could go back in time and undo everything that he did.

He had meant to tell Jay about the bus stop incident, but at the last minute he had chickened out.

"This is why nobody wants to get with you! You're always trying to impress people that aren't even worried about you!!"

【•charmed•】- 𝐚 𝟗𝟎'𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now