The Bane of the Nether - 3

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Monday, 4th of July, 2131 - 08:03 am - L'Manburg Time,
L'Manburg, First District.

' Don't ever meet your idols, '

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"I would like to welcome every fellow citizen that has gathered here to celebrate our country."

A loud, wild cheer erupted from the thousands of L'Manburgians.

"I would also like to thank all the people that had inspired me and motivated me to get to this point," The newly elected president said, earning an applause.

"Only a few months ago I looked every one of you in the eyes, and said things will be a lot different tomorrow. I said, listen to me, because things are going to change." President J.Schlatt's voice echoed throughout the crowd.

The goat hybrid stood proud on the lectern of the stage. Brown hair, eyes so brown they looked black. A closely shaved beard. He displayed a distinctive pair of horns, starting high up in his hairline, curving backwards and hooking around so they a seventy percent complete circle. The horns themselves are dark cream-brown, slightly paler than his hair. J.Schlatt's ears were like those of a goat, the same colour as his hair. The President wore a three piece suit, black in colour, a white dress shirt and a red tie; tucked into his vest piece.

The suit was without a single crease. As he had been fitted for the suit a week prior and this was his first time wearing it.

"So," He continued to the quiet crowd.

"Let's start making it happen."

Murmurs were whispered amongst the people of L'Manburg.

"My first decree as the President of L'Manburg, is to officially revert L'Manburg's name back to Manburg."

The streets were silent a whole minute before they roared their anger and confusion, changing their city's name back to the original. Why? Schlatt did not explain this decision, he continued over the talking of the crowd.

"My second decree as the President of Manburg, is to revoke the Hero License of every Hero in the nation!" J.Schlatt raised his voice, came loud but smooth through the high quality speakers.

The surrounding people yelled and screamed their displeasure and shock, yet again at such an outrageous demand. The Heroes who had given up their lives for everyone in the city, even the neighboring countries. They went through unimaginable horrors, suffering so the people of the city didn't have too. While they couldn't save everyone, it was a known truth that L'Manburg would have crumbled long ago if it wasn't for the Heroes. Then to just disregard their work, thrown under the bus like dirt.

J.Schlatt stood calmly on the stage, watching. He waited for silence. The angry yells receded and soon the only noise was a couple of lone coughs, and the calls of birds. His ear twitched.

"I don't take this decision lightly. It has taken a lot of thought, and ultimately it will prove to be the best course of action for this country," President Schlatt paused, gaze sweeping across the faces of the citizens as he let the words sink in.

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