November the Sixteenth - 2

45 2 0

Sunday, 22nd of March, 2115 - 11:47 am L'Manburg Time,
L'Manburg, 13th District,

'Forget the past, '

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Twelve years old and I'm already a menace to society. Honestly it's a great start to life isn't it? It's a sure way to a life in prison. Yet, prison has free food in it doesn't it?

Well at the very least, I'm not starving, right.

Man, I'm an arse. I thought as I strummed my guitar. It was too large for me and I was self taught too. To confess, I was shit but it didn't matter if I was shit. Y'Know because I only needed to get people's attention, I wouldn't say anything about being good, good.

Exhaling slowly through my nose, I let the honey seep into my voice as a crowd watched. I internally wince at the poor performance, shit. Even though I only needed the surrounding people to simply listen, I still felt like I owed them a half decent show.

This is a shitshow, I'd say.

Though I'd like to think that I'm pretty good, just, it's for my survival. Sometimes, I guess it's about y'know getting out alive. If I may, when you're living life on the streets of land that does not want you, you must do everything you can to survive. By the look of things it's my only option.

Almost there now, I was singing Soldier, Poet, King. Most of the way through the song I wasn't sure how any rotten fruit hadn't been chucked my way. Though that is a good thing.

Time to bring in the big money.

I let my mind spread to those listening, It was far easier to control their mind if they were already listening to me. Reaching out to their minds and dragging them under the waves. Faking their enjoyment. Pulling them in, and sinking them deep. Like mud or fog. It hurt knowing that they wouldn't blink an eye if it wasn't for my power. I needed the money more than my pride. There is no reason to mourn for the newly dead, as some may say. They cannot help you.

Like my pride and dignity could not help me now.

'There will come a ruler.'

Twenty bucks in my guitar case.

'Whose brow is laid in thorn. Smeared with oil like David's boy.'

Two fifties from a couple. Hundred from an old lady. I refused to feel bad at that.

'Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord. Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord. Smeared with oil like David's boy.'

Three twenties from a teen. Well I guess I'm helping, y'know that money could've been drug money.

'Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord.'

Or bus money, though I doubt a bus would charge that much. Who knows.

'Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord. He will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai


Maybe It was for school uniforms, they're supposed to be very pricey right?

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