Chapter 5

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I awoke with a jolt. I tried, and failed to sit up. There were ropes tying me down to the sides of what looked to be a crib.

I looked at the ceiling and began to sob remembering the events that have occurred. I wonder how long I've been out. I looked around as best I could while being strapped to the bed.

This can't be happening.Why is this happening?

Soon I have to pee, but I'm tied down so I began to call out to anyone who might be lingering around. I here a door open but can't lift my head up enough to see who entered the room.

I hear footsteps approaching the crib that holds my now shaking body. When I finally muster the courage to look up, I scream. It's him. He backs away with a hurt expression and i continue to freak out. My breath comes in short gasps, and I begin to feel light headed. This is a panic attack I think to myself.

Then I hear another set of foot steps, however these sound like... heels? A stunning woman walks up to my crib and stands there starring at me. What the fuck. This must be his wife. Why would he cheat on her she is breathtakingly gorgeous.

She has honey brown hair that cascades down her back, and the most beautiful chocolate eyes Iv'e ever seen. She is literally one of the most beautiful woman Iv'e ever seen in my life. When she came and stood by me I calmed dawn a bit, I just really did not want to see him EVER again.

"Hello Serinety", she says in a soft but demanding voice, " My name Maria, but you may call me Mommy."

I gasp in reply connecting the dots. She must be his wife... and he was only with me to take me home to his wife.

My body began to shake, and I then remember the reason I wanted someone to come in here so bad. " I have to use the bathroom", I squeak out.

"Oh", Maria says "that's why you have a diaper on silly."

I crinkle my nose and look at her, thinking that she is joking, however her expression doesn't change one bit. "That's gross", I say, " Now please let me out so I can use the bathroom."

" You will use your diaper.", she commands, " Hmm come on Charlie, lets let our baby girl rest."

"Don't leave me please", I beg for them to return to let me out, however they don't turn back.

The sound of the door closing is like the sound of my chances vanishing. I let the tears fall as I think of ways to escape. I am running out of time, because the urge to pee is getting stronger and stronger. I relentlessly pull on the restraints that are holding me down, but whoever tied them defiantly knew how to tie a knot.

Without any other options I began to cry hystarically, and I just let go.


Sorry for the shortness, but i decided to write a chapter for my friend. My book is Casper lol.

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