chapter 7

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So I'm thinking that Blake lively should play Maria what do y'all think?

They where stupid enough not to bound me that means I can escape and leave this horrid place they have forced me to stay.

First step of the plan to get out of this is to get out of this dumb crib which is taller then me standing up I mean how the hell is that possible?where in the world do you order these things.....Amazon or eBay yah I think ebay.

I get on my neese and look around trying to find a way out then I see it, a child lock that should be easy since I'm a big girl

20 minutes later(Sponge Bob refrence)

So I changed my mind child locks aren't easy actually there really hard and frusterating you know what I'm going to try one more time and if it doesn't work than I'll give up and stay here forever or not.

So in my despret attempt to get out I reach my arm through the bars that hold me in here and poke the locks and to my surprise the gates fall open. Yes, you know what I'm magical, someone get me a unicorn.

Still some of the crib part is over it because the part with the bars was higher then the legs so I had to still climb over that. Once I make it over I stand still for a second I stand but fall why I fell I'm not sure,i try again but fall. But I won't give I have gone way to fare to give up now so if standing doesn't go to good I'll try crawling and if that doesn't work I'll do what they do in the army and just move with my elbows

To my surprise I can crawl, once I make it into the hall I see two different ways I could go so what way do I go left or right lefty loosey right tighty right it is.

The hall fells empty, cold,dark all the light turned of making the dark blood red walls look even darker covered with black painted doors.


I see one of the doors open to I open the door closest to me and go in making sure to be quiet.

I look around the room and find nothing to suggest a person lives in here so it must be a guest room.

Then I hear something from the other side the door sounds like voices to I go closer to check it out putting my ear to the door.

"You know what Charles I think we should go check on her it's her first night here she's probably scared"I hear Maria whisper god please don't go check on me please please please don't check on me i whisper to myself

"You know she needs to get used to sleeping in her crib and she can't do that if we keep checking on her"daddy says in a serious yet sincer voice.

"Please baby one small look we won't even have to open the door all the way, I just want to make sure she's okay and not still crying"Maria continues to beg. Goodness please just shut the fuck up I want to scream but instead I keep it in my thoughts

"Fine but only for a moment."Charles says and I can't help but think I'm going to die

I hear there foot steps leaving then then a door opening then a "WHERE THE HELL IS MY BABY"that was probably daddy some more screaming comes after the then alarms blare so I go and hide under the bed hoping not to be found before I can come up with another escape plan

Slowly I feel my eye lids dropping closed and the sound of the alarm quieting.

So this chapter is for my dog that resently passed

Don't forget to





And remember daisy the best dog I could of ever asked for

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