Chapter 6

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"Hi darling how are you doing" Charlie says coming back into the room with his wife by his side into the room that looked to be made for a really big baby.

It feels as if they've been gone for hours but maybe thats because I have been sitting in this stupid crib with this disgusting wet diaper on.

"How the hell does it look like I'm doing I was kidnapped and tied up in a crib with a diaper on, who puts a diaper on a grown women!"I shout at them.

"First off good baby girls dont cuss and lastly darling your not a grown women your our baby girl" Maria says as she comes to pet my hair but of course me being me I go to bite her.

Just as my teeth where about to clamp down on her hand she pulls her hand back. "Good babies don't bite mommy so I guess your going to need a spanking,don't you agree sweetheart"she says looking towards daddy.

"Yah I believe she does"he says walking towards me putting his arms out to untie me. When he does he holds his arms out, but I just push them away. He doesn't react he just continues to pick me up and put me across his lap so my ass is in the air.

"What the hell are you doing"I shout looking back at him to see him pull the diaper off me and he brings his hand up then I see it come down on my butt and I hear the slap before I can feel it but when I felt it I shouted so loud i could fell the floors shake.

"Shut your filthy whore mouth before I make use of it." He yells while he continues my punishment. I really don't like being here, but my body betrays me with each slap by becomingore and more wet.




"Tell me pet why you are being punished"he says while resting his hand on my as if waiting for me to answer like he expects me to say the wrong.

"I don't know just let me go I didnt do anything wrong I just want to go home"I shout but it comes out as a whisper because the lump that is growing in my throught as I fought through the tears. My juices must be running down my legs now.

"Wrong answer I guess I have to continue" he says smiling as if he was happy I got it wrong.

About 20 slaps continue to come down on my ass as he continuously ask the same questions and I answer the same but I couldn't do it much longer or I would never be able to sit again

"O....o......ok...ju...just..p..p..p.. please stop I..I'm sorry f..for trying to b..bite her"I stumble over the words as I cry

"Who"daddy says your wife dumb ass who the hell else.

"Maria"I say looking back and forth in between them.


"No darling remember that's not what you have to call her you know what your supposed call her sweetheart,yes" Charles say but I just continue to shake my head no.

Slap. "Mommy" I shout then sob into his pants legs.

"Hmm", he mumbles while rubbing my most likely bright red ass " I think she likes her punishments" he exclaims before he sticks one lone finger into my heat. I squirm around, my ass still in the air, as he pumps his finger in and out of my pussy. Against my will I let out a breathy moan, one that turns louder as he continues to finger me. When I am close to release I close my eyes tight, and grab onto his pants. Just like that he stops and stands up taking me with him.

"Bad girls don't get to cum" , he says as he walks somewhere.

He set me down on a pink changing table and starts to change me I would of strugled if I could of but I was to stunned to move, to talk after the spankings. After being changed into a bright pink diaper then later me into the crib on my back but I had to turn onto my stomach because the pain in my but.

"Say goodnight baby"he says

"Goodnight"I say responding quickly afraid to get another set of spankings

"Goodnight who?"Maria says.

"Mommy and daddy"I say turning away from them.

I hear the door close and the last of my tears run out and as my eyes start to drop my last thought is I hate it here, I hate him. I want to go home.

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