1 where the hell did you go?

138 8 6

June 18 1983
"Liz hurry up. We're gonna be late.'' Eleanor dragged out her words trying to get her roommate to move faster.

"I'm going Eleanor calm down. Jesus.'' Eleanor took so long that Liz only had six minutes to change, straighten her hair, put on light make up, and her accessories.

"I would be calm if we weren't already five minutes late for the show!"

"You're acting like you didn't spend almost an entire hour in the only bathroom we have to get ready! Not to mention the fact you wouldn't let me straighten my hair!'' At this point it was a screaming match between the two best friends, while Liz scrambled to get her earrings, shoes, wallet, and car keys.

Eleanor knew this band and was good friends with the lead guitarist, so when he invited her to go, she obviously said yes. Liz didn't even technically agree to going, she just got dragged along.

The plan was for them to meet with the band before the show, watch them play, and hangout again after. Since it took Eleanor longer than they thought to get ready, those plans changed.

It was a fifteen minute drive and it started at 6. It was 5:50, but with a lot of cussing, horns honking at her, and force she put on the gas pedal, they made it just in time. 5:59.

"See, we're not late."

"Oh my god you're so annoying. If you didn't take so long straightening your hair, we would've been here on time," Eleanor replied in a snarky way, acting like it wasn't mostly her fault they were late to this show.

"Oh like you getting ready doesn't take just as long," Liz was giving attitude back because she knew it wasn't her fault.

"Okay whatever they already started."

They could hear them starting their first song of the set. Feeling the drums and bass vibrate the floor, and the guitar over the yelling of the crowd.

Eliza started to bop her head along with the fast paced playing of the guitar.

"No life til leather, were gonna kick some ass tonight!"

"I'm gonna go get some drinks,'' Eleanor leaned into Liz's ear so she could hear her over the yelling.

"Okay,'' she replied in awe over the lyrics and guitar. She started walking closer to the stage, weaving through the crowd subconsciously, trying to get a better view of the band.

"We got the metal madness! When our fans start screaming, it's right! Well, all right, yeah!"

As she got closer she could see four people up there, one singer with long blonde hair and a guitar. One with long, dark curls who also had a guitar. One with long brown hair, and a beautiful Rickenbacker bass. And the last one with long brown hair behind a drum kit.

Though, she couldn't get a good view of anyone's face other than the bassist's.

She was staring intensely at the bassist and the way he played so fast and still managed to bang his head so hard. The bassist saw her staring and smiled.

After she was done with fan-girling over these guys she decided to find Eleanor and grab a beer.

"Hey," she found Eleanor, grabbing her shoulder.

"Hey, where were you?"

"Just watching them play, the bassist is a beast."

"Oh, Cliff? Yeah that dude is amazing."

After a little bit more of them talking and a beer later, she decided to go back to watching them play. They were at their second to last song of the set by now.

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