chapter 1

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You sat in between the two men, staring at your phone as the Two boys next to glared at each-other. The boy's being The two overlords of hell, Alastor and Vox.

Guess who they were fighting over? You. Yes, you! You were both their assistants, always going to them 24/7, and they have now realized "they can't share you"!.. kinda anticlimactic..

The tension was thick, the only noises being the demons outside of the limo, and your breathing. How awkward..

"О, мой сатана"
I say annoyed
“(Oh, my Satan!)”
You said annoyed.
You were getting sick and tired of the two fighting over you all the time..
"Я не выбираю никого из вас"
I say frustrated
“(I don’t choose either one of you!)”
You said, frustrated.

Vox’s face changed into a wicked grin. “You don’t have a choice.”
He said, reaching over and grabbing onto you.
"Do not touch me if you want to stay alive"
I say putting my claw in his face
Vox flinched back, startled.
He asked, taking a step back.

Alastor chuckled.
“She’s got a point, Vox. She isn’t someone to be messed with!”
He said, crossing his arms.
"Shut up Alastor, if you both can't get along I will be leaving"
I say pissed off
Vox growled.
"You are not going anywhere, darling!" He snapped.
"You are OURS."
He said, grabbing onto your waist..

Alastor sighed.
"Vox, don't."
He warned.

Vox chuckled.
"And what if I want to?"
He asked, pulling you closer.
I turned and punched vox
"I warned you and you didn't listen"
My eyes glowing with rage
Vox fell back, surprised. "
The nerve.."
he said, hissing, as he stood up.

He grabbed your hands.
"How DARE you hit me!?"
He yelled, his voice booming.

"Vox, calm down."
Alastor said, stepping in the middle of you two.
"This is what I was talking about."
He said.
I exhaled, smoke coming out as I did
Vox narrowed his eyes. "
I won't let this slide."
He said, hissing.
"My assistant will not try to attack me!"
He yelled.

Alastor sighed, rubbing his temples. "Vox, please calm down."
He said, holding his hands up in defeat.

Vox crossed his arms. "
Y/N better apologize.
Otherwise, I won't be so lenient next time."
He said.
"Apologize? Apologize!? Your the one who touched me!"
I said shouting angrily as smoke comes out of my mouth
Vox rolled his eyes.
"You should be lucky a high overlord like me even touched you!"
He said
"And yes, you apologize. Or else I will take actions nobody wants!"
He threatened.
"Извиняться не буду
(I won't apologize) "
I shout angrily as even more smoke comes out of my mouth
"I said, apologize!"
Vox snapped, shoving you against the window.
"Or I'll make you apologize!"
He said, his eyes turning red.

Alastor sighed again.
"Vox, calm down. We need to get out of here."
He said, grabbing Vox's wrist.
I grab his neck digging my claws into his neck, as I push him off me and into the floor.
I push my knee hard into his stomach
"Ты разозлил меня Vox
(You pissed me off Vox)"
I snarled, smoke coming out of my mouth as I snarled my fangs showing
Vox coughed and groaned.
"Alastor, you see what she's done to me!"
He yelled out.
"I told you! I can't tolerate this much longer!"
He said, groaning in pain.

Alastor sighed.
"Let him go, Y/N.
He said, crossing his arms.
"We already have enough problems as it is."
He said.
I snarled tighting my grip on his throat.
I started to breathe heavily smoke leaving my mouth in big clouds
Vox began to choke, gagging.
"I.. can't breathe...."
He gasped, coughing.
"She's killing me!"
He cried out.

Alastor walked up, and grabbed you off if Vox, holding you by the arms.

Vox coughed and glared up at you. "You have five seconds to apologize, before I rip your head off."
He roared, his words barely making it out..
I growled, my tail catching fire
Vox flinched back.
"She's getting heated! Look at her tail!"
He yelled.
"I'm not kidding, Y/N! Apologize! Or else...."
His words trailed off.

Alastor chuckled.
"Do you really want to see her angry?" He asked.
"I've seen it before, many times. And let's just say.. you don't want to be on her bad side.."
I growled, smoking pouring from my mouth, I try to pull away from Alastor
Vox watched, his eyes widening.
"Oh, this will not be pretty."
He said, backing away.

Alastor, meanwhile, continued holding you, keeping you from hurting Vox.
"Y/N, you don't know what you're doing. Please, calm down."
He said, his voice softening..
I try to pull away from Alastor again.
I growl as I breath heavily, smoke pour out of my mouth even more
Vox backed away from you even more. Alastor looked worried, keeping his grip tight on you.
"You don't know what you're doing.. please, calm down.."
He said again.
Vox stayed silent, watching the situation with worry and panic..

Alastor x Vox x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now