1: 'Dating' your BFF to improve Spanish and running away from a father

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"So the big news this morning is that we've got a new student joining us."

The door opened suddenly, revealing a horrifically recognisable figure to Lei.

Hoshiko Lei, 15 years old and one of Y/N's oldest, most cherished friends.

And this was her nightmare. Not that she had realised yet.

"Mom?!" Lei exclaimed. This seemed like a little too much. 

"Hello love!" her mother replied with a smile.

"If you'd like to take a seat next to Hoshiko Lei there, Miss. Hoshiko," the teacher, Ego Jinpachi pointed towards a free seat. Lei was still utterly horrified.

"My mom's the new girl at school!" Lei muttered to herself, unable to believe the situation she was in.

But then she took a second and pondered for a moment out loud, "Hang on, how can my mum be the new girl at school?"

She turned her head around the class, recognising Reo and Y/N in the room. She saw Ness Alexis as well and a girl with a racoon head.

"This is a dream, isn't it?" she thought aloud, to which Ego rolled his eyes.

"Of course, this is a dream. In real life, Suzuki wouldn't have a racoon head," he blandly stated, pointing to the girl in question.

"Suzuki?!" Lei was thoroughly shocked, but before she could say anything else...

"Oh god. That was hell."

She had woken up.

It was a simple Sunday afternoon and there was a lot going on for everyone. Well, not really. While Lei was getting embarrassed by her mother going through her baby pictures, and getting laughed at slightly by her boyfriend, there were some more productive things going on at the L/N residence.

"My favourite subject is science because it is very interesting," Y/N recited to the magenta-haired boy in front of her. "Mi asignatura favorita es ciencia porque es muy interesado."

"Muy interesante," the boy corrected her, causing her to sigh in frustration.

"Yes, of course," she shook her head at her mistake. Y/N continued, "I've definitely got better since we've started doing these sessions, Ness. I've got so much out of them."

Ness hesitated, but then replied, "Me too." He paused again before continuing. "L/N?"


He was chill usually, but this was racking his nerves slightly. But, he couldn't back out now.

"Spending time with you, just you and me," he began, "I've realised recently.. no I've.. I wondered if I could possibly go on a date with you?" he asked, after a few pauses in between. He inwardly cursed himself for them but still remained relaxed. He was good at playing the tough guy.

"A date with you?" Y/N reiterated. "Oh no, I don't want to do that."


"Now when should we do our next practice? Are you free tomorrow?"

Ness looked away from Y/N at that moment and responded, "Considering the, uhm, circumstances," he began, gritting his teeth slightly, "I think it would be wise to spend some time apart..."

Y/N's eyes widened slightly as a million thoughts flew threw her head at that moment. 

"What? But... how am I going to practice then?-" she worriedly asked, only to get interrupted by a colder voice.

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